Description | Special Report No. S-91. Shanghai, China. May 10, 1938 - 52p + 13p appendix
I. Production - p.1
- Non-Proprietary Products
- Ephedrine
- List of firms manufacturing pharmaceutical products, with their names, nationality, type of products and turnover
- Proprietary or Patent Medicines
- Government Production of biological products
- Lists and tables
- List of medicinal items with their annual volume of production in 1923, 1932, 1933 and 1934) - p.7
- List of governmental institutions (bureau, laboratories and chemical engineering department) p.8
- Table showing figures of vaccines produced by Shanghai Municipal Council in 1937 qnd 1938, according to the type of disease
II - Foreign Trade - p.13
- Imports by four principal countries of origins, according to the type of products - p.14
- Imports of Chemicals, Medicinals and Pharmaceuticals into China (Exclusive of Manchuria and Hong Kong), by type of items and country of origin, 1933 thru 1937 - p.15-23
- Exports of Chemicals, Medicinals and Pharmaceuticals from China (Exclusive of Manchuria and Hong Kong), by type of items and country of origin, 1933 thru 1937 - p.24
III - Distribution Promotion - p.33
- Statistics of the National Health Administration, Nanking, showing medical personnel registered in 1936, according to the type of personnel (number of doctors, pharmacists, midwives, dispensers, dentists, nurses)
- Drug Stores
- Pharmacopeia
- Student Pharmacists and Doctors
- Pharmacist Regulations
- Narcotic Drugs
- Pure Food Laws
- Patent and Trade-mark registration
- Prevalent Diseases
- Hospital Accomodations
- Statistics of the National Health Administration, Nanking, showing hospitals registered in 1936 (number of hospitals, physicians, nurses, beds)
- Comparison of Balm's Survey, 1919 and Snell's Survey, 1933
- Forms of Medication
- Prevalent Diseases
- Trade Opportunities - A
- Trade List - A
- List of Associations Publishing Journals - B-C
- Confidential Notes - D
- Sources of information - E
- Tentative Regulations Governing Pharmacists (Pormulgated on January 15, 1929, by Nanking Governement) - 4p
- Chapter I - General
- Chapter II - Qualifications
- Chapter IV - Duties
- Chapter V - Penalties
- Supplementary Regulations
- Shanghai Association of Chinese Wester Medicine Merchants - 16 Lung Men Road, Shanghai, China - 2p
- A. General
- B. Membership
- C. Functions
- D. Meeting
- E. Membership Dues
- F. Supplementary Articles
- Shanghai Association of Chinese Wester Medicine Merchants and Guilds - Passed November 10, 1935 - 2p
- A. General
- B. Functions
- C. Membership
- D. Organization
- E. Meeting
- F. Membership Dues
- G. Supplementary Articles