Monthly Trade Report, China. Vol. XIX No.1, Washington D.C.. February 15, 1939 - 34p
Prepared by the Office of American Commercial Attache at Shanghai, China. With the cooperation of american Consular Officers in China
Subscription: Domestic, $1.00 a year; Foreign, $2.00. Single Copy, 10c.
(A Summary of Trade and Economic Conditions in China During 1938)
- General Resume.....2
- Summary of General Conditions
- General.........................3
- Agriculture and Crops............4
- Transportation and Communications
- Raiways..........7
- Highways........8
- Aviation..............10
- Shipping...............10
- Telecommunications........13
- Industry.........15
- Building and Construction...........17
- Finance
- Currency and Exchange.......19
- Foreign and Domestic Debt, Loans, and Payments.........20
- Banking...........21
- Foreign Trade.........23
- Foreign Trade Tables........27
- Exhange Rates for Conversion Purposes.............34
- Sources of Information............34
Also includes correspondence in connection with the monthly report (Letter from Shanghai Office to Foreign Commercial Service dated March 19, 1939 - 2p).