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NameRadio market in China
TitleWorld Radio Markets - China
AuthorSmith, A. Viola, Trade Commissioner, Shanghai
CollectionNARA, General records of the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce (RG151)
Sub collectionRecords Relating to Commercial Attaches' Reports, China (Peiping), 1938, Box 128
Reference NumberEntry 14, Box 128
Repository typeArchive

Special Report No. S-6. Shanghai, China. August 15, 1939. 52p + 3p enclosure

(Required Report: Electrical Division, Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce, request of March 30, 1939. The present report aims to bring up to date basi reports S-114 dated March 11, 1937, and S-93 dated May 19, 1938)

  1. General p.1
  2. Selling Methods - p.2  
  3. Advertising - p.6
  4. Packing and Shipping - p.7
  5. Terms and Discount - p.8
  6. Demand for Sets - p.9 
  7. Types of Sets - p.10
  8. Automobile Sets - p.15
  9. Parts and Servicing - p.16
  10. Tubes - p.17
  11. Loudspeakers - p.18
  12. Battery sets and batteries - p.21
  13. Generators - p.22
  14. Transmitting Equipment p .22
    • Complete Equipment 
    • Polie Radio Systems
    • Amateur Stations
    • Airplane and Airways Systems
      • China National Aviation Corporation 
      • Eurasia Aviation Corporation
      • Southwest Avaition Corporation
      • Japan Air Tranport Company
      • Hui Tung Aviation Corporation
    • Coast Stations
    • Transmitting Tubes
  15. Sources of Supply - p.24
  16. Domestic Production - p.26
  17. Patents and trademarks - p.27
  18. Imports Tariff Rates - p.29
    • Table showing import tariff unit and duty, by type of item, nature of article, into China in 934 and Japan in 1938
    • Import Restrictions -p.29a
  19. Foreign Trade - p.32
    • Imports of Completed Receiving sets and chassis during 1937 (the first year for which they were separately reported) and 1938, by country of origin
    • Imports of radio Parts and Accessories in China, bu country of origin, in 1937 and 1938 
    • Imports of gramophones, etc. and accessories by country of origin in 1937 and 1938 
    • Imports of Telephonic & Telegraphic Instruments and Parts, by country of origin in Jan-Jun 1938 and Jan-June 1939 
    • Imports of Electric Accumulators and Dry Cells by country of origin in Jan-Jun 1938 and Jan-June 1939 
  20. Central Receivers - p.35A
  21. Television - p.35A
  22. Amateurs - p.35A
  23. Facsimile  - p.
    • 23A. Experiments - No developments
  24. Police Radio
  25. Short Wave - p.
  26. Public Address
  27. Airways Radio
  28. Interference Suppression 
  29. Broadcasting 
    • Radio broadcasting Stations in China (including Hong Kong and Macao), by location (cities), with their call (names), frequency, wave length, power, language used, time, advertising and nationality of owner - 5p - p.42-46
  30. Programs
    • Hours
    • Characters of Programs
  31. Advertising - p.49
  32. Recordings - p.49
  33. Regulations - p.50

Sources of informations - p.52

Enclosure - Central Broadcasting Station of the Central Broadcasting Administration, Chingking, China - List of the three main radio station (XGOA, XGOX, XGOY), with their wave lengths, frequencies, aerial power, and programs (time and nature), in China, North American, Japan, Europe and other parts of the World



Records Relating to Commercial Attaches' Reports, China (Peiping), 1938, Box 128, folder "Foreign Service - Copies of Reports - Peiping - 1939 - July - August", p.18-74



Keywordsreport ; commercial attache ; special ; Beijing ; Shanghai ; radio ; sale ; advertising ; packing ; distribution ; make ; price ; climate ; obsolescence ; consumption ; statistics ; import ; automobile ; regulation ; association ; broadcasting ; time ;
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