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NameRevised list of radio stations in Beijing
TitleWorld Radio Markets - China
AuthorSmith, A. Viola, Trade Commissioner, Shanghai
CollectionNARA, General records of the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce (RG151)
Sub collectionRecords Relating to Commercial Attaches' Reports, China (Peiping), 1938, Box 128
Reference NumberEntry 14, Box 128
Repository typeArchive

Special Report No. S-6. Shanghai, China. September 15, 1939 - 1p

Supplementing Section No.29 "Broacasting SDtations" of Special Report No. 6 dated August 15, 1939, entitled "World Radio Markets -- China", includes a revised list of stations operating in Peiping, with their call signal, frequency, wave length, power, language used, time and present status (nationality of owner). 


Records Relating to Commercial Attaches' Reports, China (Peiping), 1938, Box 128, folder "Foreign Service - Copies of Reports - Peiping - 1939 - September", p.106



Keywordsreport ; commercial attache ; special ; Beijing ; radio ; station
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