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NameCereal market in Manchuria
TitleWeekly Report on Manchurian Cereals by Nisshin Oil Mils
AuthorEhrhard John J., Trade Commissioner, Mukden; Hammatt, Theo. D., In Charge, Grain & Flour Section, Foodstuffs Division, Washington, D.C.;
CollectionNARA, General records of the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce (RG151)
Sub collectionFoodstuffs, 342, Groceries (Germany) - 343.0, Cereals (Wheat)
Reference NumberEntry 1, File Class 342-343.0, Box 1566
Repository typeArchive

Correspondence dated May - June 1929 in connection with agricultural production in Manchuria: 

  • Letter dated May 15, 1929, from Trade Commissioner in Mukden (Shenyang), China, to Foodstuffs Division, Washington, D.C., on the subject of "Weekly Report on Manchurian Cereals by Nisshin Oil Mils" - enclosing copy of the weekly report giving a summary of prices on Manchurian agricultural products handled by the Nisshin Oil Mills at Dairen (Dalian) and quantities exported -1p
  • Reply dated June 11, 1929 from Grain & Flour Section, Foodstuffs Division, to Mukden Office, on the subject of "Weekly Report on Manchurian Cereals by Nisshin Oil Mils" - acknowledging the interest and value of information contained in the report but considering that it is hardly of sufficient importance to justify cabling - 1p 

Foodstuffs, 342, Groceries (Germany) - 343.0, Cereals (Wheat), Box 1566, folder "Cereals - China" - p.1-4

Keywordsfoodstuff ; grocery ; cereals ; Manchuria ; Japanese ; oil ; price ; export ; data ;
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