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NameBurma Market for Coca-Cola
AuthorPurdon, R.L., Foodstuffs Division; Coca-Cola Company, Atlanta, Georgia;
CollectionNARA, General records of the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce (RG151)
Sub collectionBeverages 353, Soft Drinks (General - France)
Reference NumberEntry 1, File Class 353, Box 1601
Repository typeArchive

Letter dated May 7, 1926, from Foodstuffs Division, Washington D.C., to Coca-Cola Company, Atlanta, Georgia, transmitting a cable received from the American Consul at Rangoon, Burma, dated May 5, 1926, stating that "Solomons Limited Rangoon, mineral water trade 20 years", reported modern factory and equipment with average daily output soft drinks 12,000 bottles, desire agency of the Coca-Cola Company, Atlanta, whom they have cabled today. Understand on good authority party is responsible and possessed of fair means." - 1p 


Beverages 353, Soft Drinks (General - France), Box 1601, folder "Beverages - Soft Drinks - Coca Cola - 1925-1928" - p.5

Keywordsfoodstuff ; beverage ; soft drink ; soda ; agency ; Burman ; factory ;
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