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NameEast Indies market for Coca-Cola
TitleRequest of C.P. Swan, Coca Cola Company. Trade Opportunity for Coca-Cola
AuthorHillyer, A.S., Chief, Commercial Intelligence Division; Swan, C.P., Coca-Cola Company; Van Wely, L.C., Managing Director, H. Jenne & Company; Hogson, James F., District Manager, New York; Stevenson, Perry J., Liaison Officer;
CollectionNARA, General records of the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce (RG151)
Sub collectionBeverages 353, Soft Drinks (General - France)
Reference NumberEntry 1, File Class 353, Box 1601
Repository typeArchive

Correspondence dated December 1927 - February 1928 in connection with Coca-Cola Company's desire to secure an agency arrangement for the Netherlands East Indies, precisely with the H. Jenne & Company:  

  • Letter dated December 5, 1927, from the Commercial Intelligence Division, to the New York District Office, on the subject of "Request of C.P. Swan, Coca Cola Company" - forwarding the Coca-Cola Company's request to arrange a meeting with the Managing Director of H. Jenne & Company - 1p 
  • Letter dated December 7, 1927 from the Bureau New York District Office to the Bureau in Washington, D.C., on the subject of "Request of C.P. Swan of the Coca Cola Company, this city" - 1p 
  • Letter dated December 21, 1927 from the Bureau's Commercial Intelligence Division, to the Bureau"s Chicago District Office, on the subject of "Mr van Wely of the Batavia firm of H. Jenne & Co." - 1p 
  • Letter dated February 11, 1928, from the Foodstuff Division, to the Bureau's District Office in New York, on the subject of "Trade Opportunity for Coca-Cola" - 1p
  • Letter dated February 21, 1928, from the Bureau's District Office in New York, to the Bureau in Washington, on the subject of "Trade Opportunity for Coca-Cola" - 1p
  • Letter dated February 27, 1928, from Liaison Officer Perry J. Stevenson,to Wilbut J. Carr, Assistant Secretary of State, in connection with a trade opportunity submitted by Consul General Court du Bois, Batavia, on December 27, 1927, on behalf of Firma Gouv Buen Seng and Company, who desire to purchase Coca-Cola essence among other thing - 1p 

Beverages 353, Soft Drinks (General - France), Box 1601, folder "Beverages - Soft Drinks - Coca Cola - 1925-1928" - p.62-63, 65, 74-76

Keywordsfoodstuff ; beverage ; soft drink ; soda ; Coca-Cola ; agency ; Netherlands ; East Indies ; New York ;
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