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NameHong Kong market for aerated waters
TitleReport on Aerated Water in Hong Kong
AuthorWulfter, M.A., Specialist, Foodstuff Division; Miller, M.L., Chief, Foreign Service Division; Maynard, David M., Assistant Trade Commissioner, Hong Kong; Keller, W.B., Jr., National Bottlers' Gazette, New York; Owens, Junior, Secretary, American Bottlers.
CollectionNARA, General records of the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce (RG151)
Sub collectionBeverages 353, Soft Drinks (West Indies) - 355, Beer (Columbia)
Reference NumberEntry 1, File Class 353-355, Box 1603
Repository typeArchive

Correspondence dated January 1931 in connection with a report regarding the market for aerated water in Hong Kong : 

  • Letter dated January 7, 1931 from Foodstuff Division, to the Bureau's Hong Kong office, on the subject of "Report on Aerated Water in Hong Kong" - congratulating the Hong Kong office for their report regarding the local marketing possibilities for aerated waters, said to be the first report of this kind from Hong Kong - 1p 
  • Letter dated January 20, 1931, from the Foodstuff Division, to the Soda Fountain Magazine, New York - transmitting copies of the the report received from Hong Kong - 1p 
  • Letter dated January 20, 1931, from the Foodstuff Division, to The Beverage Journal, Chicago - transmitting copies of the the report received from Hong Kong - 1p 
  • Letter dated January 20, 1931, from the Foodstuff Division, to the National Bottlers' Gazette, New York - transmitting copies of the the report received from Hong Kong - 1p 
  • Letter dated January 20, 1931, from the Foodstuff Division, to the American Bottlers of Carbonated Beverages, Washington, D.C. - transmitting copies of the the report received from Hong Kong - 1p 
  • Letter dated January 29, 1931 from Foodstuff Division, to the Bureau's Hong Kong office, on the subject of "Report on aerated Water in Hong Kong" - informing that their report has been transmitted to various representatives of the beverage industry in the United States and forwarding a letter from the National Bottlers' Gazette testifying of their satisfaction - 1p 

Beverages 353, Soft Drinks (West Indies) - 355, Beer (Columbia), folder "Beverages - Mineral Waters - China" - p.150-157

Keywordsfoodstuff ; beverage ; soft drink ; mineral water ; Hong Kong ; magazine ; soda fountain ; market ; industry ; report ; circulation
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