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NameMarket for toilet soaps in North China
TitleRequest of Colgate-Palmolive-Peet Company. Inquiry of Colgate-Palmolive-Peet Co.. Re - Toilet Soap Industry in North China. Questionnaire of Colgate-Palmolive-Peet Co. Re: Toilet Soap Industry in North China. Native Soap Industry in North China.
AuthorRiley, J.A., General Superintendent, Colgate-Palmolive-Peet Company, Chicago; Foy, Francis J., Commercial Agent, BFDC, Chicago; Roberts, F.L., District Manager, Chicago, BFDC; Anderson, E.T., Assistant District Manager, BFDC, Chicago; Thomas, E.L., Specia
CollectionNARA, General records of the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce (RG151)
Sub collection236.4 Perfumes and Cosmetics, Dental Preparations (Italy) to 236.5 Toilet Soaps (West Indies)
Reference NumberEntry 1, File Class236.3-236.4, Box 1071
Repository typeArchive

Correspondence dated January - September 1931 in connection with Colgate-Palmolive-Peet Co's request for information relative to the manufacture of toilet soap in China :

  • Letter dated January 9, 1931, from the Chicago Office to the Foodstuffs Division, on the subject of the "Request of Colgate-Palmolive-Peet Company" - requesting on behalf of the company to be furnished with appropriate data - 1p
  • Letter dated January 7, 1931, from the Colgate-Palmolive-Peet Company, Chicago, to the Commercial Agent of the BFDC in Chicago - requesting information regarding the manufacture of toilet soap in China, especially a list of manufacturers, showing their capitalization, nationality of the owners, capacity of toilet soap in tons, what brands they make, anslo whether they are using machinery, or any other information they may have - 1p
  • Letter dated January 16, 1931, from the Foodstuffs Division (Meat, Oils and Fats' Specialist), to the Chicago District Office, on the subject of "Inquiry of Colgate-Palmolive-Peet Co.. Re - Toilet Soap Industry in North China" - transmitting and commenting a report recently received from Tianjin on the subject, and adding that he is able to furnish the company with samples of soaps manufactured by several Chinese soap factories for inspection - 1p 
  • Letter dated January 30, 1931, from the Chicago Office to the Foodstuffs Division, on the subject of "Inquiry of Colgate-Palmolive-Peet Co. Re - Toilet Soap Industry in North China" - enclosing a proposed questionnaire to be submitted to the company, to enable the Division to develop exactly the type of information desired - 1p 
  • Letter dated February 10, 1931, from the Foodstuffs Division to the Chicago District Office, on the subject of "Questionnaire of Colgate-Palmolive-Peet Co. Re: Toilet Soap Industry in North China" - informing that they have provided the TIanjin office with the questionnaire - 1p 
  • Letter dated June 17, 1931, from the Foodstuffs Division to the Chicago District Office, on the subject of "Questionnaire of Colgate-Palmolive-Peet Co. Re - Native Soap Industry in North China" - informing that they have provided the Tianjin office with the questionnaire - 2p 
  • Letter dated June 17, 1931, from the Foodstuffs Division to the Bureau's office in Tianjin, on the subject of "Special Report on "The Manufacture of Soap in Northern China" - transmitting further instructions for finalizing the report - 1p  
  • Letter dated September 9, 1931, from the Foodstuffs Division to the Chicago District Office, on the subject of "Native Soap Industry in North China (Correspondence on behalf of Colgate-Palmolive-Peet Co." - commenting on the data received from Tianjin, especially the impression that the native soap plants North China are all of Chinese ownership, except for one, and enclosing a series of photographs sent by the Assistant Trade Commissioner Venator - 2p 

236.4 Perfumes and Cosmetics, Dental Preparations (Italy) to 236.5 Toilet Soaps (West Indies) Box 1072, folder "Toilet Soap - China" - p.167-177

NB - Suprisingly, Toilet soaps are classified as "foodstuffs", and pertain to the same category as "meats, oils and fats"

Keywordsfoodstuffs ; toilet ; cosmetics ; soap ; North China ; Tianjin ; sample ; manufacture ; data ; Latin America ; photograph ;
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