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NameCovers Encasing Hood
TitleRickshaw advertising: Bercott's application
AuthorBercott Advertising Agency (Formerly International Advertising Corporation)
CollectionShanghai Municipal Archives (SMA)
Sub collectionShanghai Municipal Council (SMC)
Reference NumberU1-3-2992 (0752-0778)
Repository typeArchive

Covers Encasing Hood - Bercott Advertising Agency (Formerly International Advertising Corporation). 1930. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-2992 (0752-0778). 

"Advertising on Public Richas". Municipal Notification published in… (Press clipping attached to the Letter from International Advertising Corporation). Shanghai, May 3, 1930. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-2992 (0752). 

Consideration has recently been given by the Council to the question of advertising on public ricshas, as the result of an application by the International Advertising Corporation. 

In its letter to the Council, this Corporation intimated its willingness to supply to the ricsha companies, free of cost, a number of movable canvas covers to be used in covering the ricsha hoods, and the application made was that the Corporation be given the sole right and privilegeto the advertising such covers. It was also proposed to reserve space on each side for traffic, health notices, etc. ; and it was pointed out that the covers would be if service in the prevention of thefts as small parcels could safely be carried between the hood and cover of the ricsha. Correspondence ensued between the Council and the French Municipal Administration and the following letter was subsequently forwarded to the International Advertising Corporation (Council Chamber, Shanghai, May 8, 1930).  

Letter from International Advertising Corporation to Secretary. Shanghai, April 8, 1930. Shanghai, April 8, 1930. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-2992 (0752-0755). 

We beg to submit herewith for the Council's consideration and approval an original idea which, aside from the advertising scheme, should prove of great service to the Council and the General Public. To the rickshaw companies we intend supplying, free of cost, a certain quantity of covers (as per accompanying sample) to be used in covering the rickshaw hoods, as shown in the attached photograph "A". 

The proposition has been discussed with the proprietors of the lesing rickshaw companies and they are very much in favour of it, provided there is no objection from the Council. Many traffic accidents, some of which prove fatal, are frequently caused by rickshaw coolies and individuals who are unaware of ordinary traffic regulations, and through failure to exercise simple precautions. In view of this, we propose reserving a space of 5" x 10" (inches) on each side of the covers in question, on which we would paint various traffic instructions and warnings in English and Chinese reading somewhat as follow: Keep to the LEFT, Do not dash across a road, Look behind before crossing a road, Do not cross a RED signal light, Do not cross behind a tram or bus, Do not cross in front of a tram or bus, Keep in line with the fron vehicle, Do not try to race other vehicles, etc. etc. etc. 

Also in connection with Public Health propaganda, on which a great deal of money is spent by various public bodies in educating the poorest class people, the allotted space could also be used to good advantage along the following lines: Be vaccinated against small-pox, Flies spread disease - Kill them!, Keep clean - wash often, Avoid spitting, Do not eat uncooked food, Do not throw garbage about, etc. etc. etc. 

The above are merely suggestions as the Traffic and Health Departments can decide better in this connection. 

The covers will also be in service and advantage to the passengers, as small parcels can be safely kept between the cover and the hood to prevent thefts, which often occur when articles are merely placed on top of the hood. 

It will be noticed from a comparison of photographs "A" and "B" that the covers add considerably to the better and neater appearance of the rickshaws.
As the expenditure involved will be quite heavy, we would prefer to try out the scheme first with, say one hundreds rickshaws, anf if everything prove satisfactory, we wish eventually to include all the rickshaws if possible. 

Consequently, if our proposition meets with the Council's approval, we ask that we be given the sole right and privilege to carry on the scheme in question. 

We trust that the above idea will prove of interest to the Council, and that the scheme will meet with their approval at an early date so that we can proceed with same. For your information we might state in conclusion that a similar letter has been addresed by us to the French Municipal Council. 

Report from Commissioner of Police to Secretary. "Advertising on rickshas. Ref. No. 4294 of 9-4-1930". Shanghai, April 23, 1930. Shanghai, April 23, 1930. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-2992 (0759).

The are no police objections to this proposal provided taht the following conditions are observed: 
1. That advertisements are confined to business advertisements of those contributed by any of the Council's departments 
2. The advertisements are kept clean and are neatly affixed to the vehicles ". 
3. The advertisements in no way interfere with the movements of the vehicle or of the puller; or with the comfort of the passenger. 
4. That the licence or identification number plates are not in any way obscured or covered up by the advertisement.

With regard to the condition 1 above, it may thought advisable to limit advertisements to business advertisements only in view of the possibility at some future date of the scheme being made use of for undesirable propaganda. 

I return herewith the photographs submitted to you by the applicant.  

Memo from Secretary (Edwards) to Watch Committee. "Advertising on Public Ricshas". Shanghai, April 24, 1930. Shanghai, April 24, 1930. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-2992 (0760).

Application by the International Advertising Corporation for permission to advertise on public ricshaw, by means of a cover encasing the closed ricsha hood; with comment by the Commissioner of Police. 
I recommend that permission be accorded, subjet to the Council's right to withdraw sam at any time, and conditional upon the French Council agreeing to act in concert. The conditions enumerated in the Police report will be stipulated, supplemented by a condition that the Council reserves the right to impose an advertisement tax. Since it is contrary to the Council's practice to grant monopolice of this nature, it is recommended that the application in this particular be refused.  

Letter from S.M.C. Secretary to French Municipal Administration. Shanghai, April 26, 1930. Shanghai, April 26, 1930. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-2992 (0760-0761).

I have the honour to inform you that an application has been made to the Council by the International Advertising Corporation for permission to advertise on public ricsha by means of a cover encasing the closed ricsha hood. 

Subject to your Administration agreeing to act in concert, as to which we have to request that you will kindly advise me, the Council is in avour of permission being accorded, upon the following conditions : 
 1. That advertisements are confined to business advertisements of those contributed by any of the Council's departments 
2. The advertisements are kept clean and are neatly affixed to the vehicles ". 
3. The advertisements in no way interfere with the movements of the vehicle or of the puller; or with the comfort of the passenger. 
4. That the licence or identification number plates are not in any way obscured or covered up by the advertisement. 
5. Whilst the taxation of such advertising is not at the moment contemplated, the Council reserves the right to impose such tax at a future date.  

Translation of letter from the French Municipal Administration dated May 5, 1930. Shanghai, May 5, 1930. Shanghai, May 5, 1930. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-2992 (0763). 

We have the honour to acknowledge receipt of your letter of April 28 on the subject of an application by the International Advertising Corporation to be permitted to advertise on ricshas by means of movalbe canvas covers, placed over the hood of the vehicle. / The Municipal Administration received a similar applicaiton and after receipt of your letter, the Commission ahtorised the Company to make a trial of this form of advertising on the following conditions:
1. A space of 3" x 10x on each side of the cover must be reserved for public notices by the Traffic or Health Departments in French and in Chinese. 
2. Commercial Advertising matter must be passed by the Police. 
3. The cover shall be maintained in a constant state of cleanliness and must not in any manner impeded either the movements of the puller, or the comfort of the ricsha-user. 
4. Licenses and identification number plates must no tin any circumstances be concealed by the cover. 
It should be noted that permission has been granted to the company to operate without payment of any special fee. However, the Municipal Administration has reserved the right to impose a fee subsequently should it consider it necessary.  

Original Letter from French Municipal Administration. "Publicité sur les rickshaws". Shanghai, May 5, 1930. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-2992 (0764-0765).  

Nous avons l'honneur d'accuser réception de votre lettre du 28 Avril concernant une demande de l'International Advertising Corporation en vue d'être autorisée à faire de la publicité sur les rickshaws au moyen de housses mobiles en toile, enveloppant la capote pliée du véhicule. / L'Administration Municipale a été saisie d'une demande semblable et après réception de votre lettre, la Commission a décidé d'autoriser cette Compagni à faire un essai de ce genre de publicité aux conditions ci-après : 
1°) Une espace de 3" x 10" de chaque côté de la housse devra être réservé aux inscriptions d'utilité publique des Services du Trafic ou d'Hygiène en français et en chinois. 
2. Les annonces commerciales devront être autorisée par le Service de la Police. 
3. L'enveloppe sera maintenue en constant état de propreté et ne devra en rien gêner soit les mouvements du tireur, soit le confort du client. 
4. Les numéros des licences et les plaques d'immatriculation ne devront jamais être cachées par l'enveloppe.  

(p.2/2) D'autre part l'autorisation a été accordée sans le paiement d'aucune taxe spéciale. Cepednant l'Administration Municipale s'est réservée le droit d'imposer ultérieusement une redevance si elle le jugeait à propos. 

Letter from Secretary to International Advertising Corporation. Shanghai, May 8, 1930. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-2992 (0766-0767).

I am directed to acknowledge receipt of your letter of April 8, applying for permission to advertise on public rishas by means of movable canvas encasing the hood. In replay, I am directed to inform you that such permission is accorded, upon the undernoted conditions. I have to make it clear, however, that the Council is not prepared to grant any monopoly in respect of advertising of this nature, and that the permission here accorded may be withdrawn atany time should the Council think fit, 
1. That advertisements are confined to business advertisements of a type approved by the Police, or those contributed by any of the Council's departments  It is understood that a portion of the advertising space will be reserved for public action issued by the Council's Department. 
2. That the covers are kept clean and are affixed to the vehicle. 
3. That the covers in no way interfere with the movements of the vehicle or of the public, or with the comfort of the passenger. 
4. That the licence of identification number plates are not in any way obscured by the covers
5. That whilst the taxation of such advertising is not at the moment contemplated, the Council reserves the right to impose such tax. 

Letter from International Advertising Corporation to Secretary. Shanghai, May 19, 1930. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-2992 (0768).

We beg to acknowledge the receipt of your favour of May 8th reference No. 4294 in which you kindly accorded us the permission to advertise on public ricshas by means of movable canvas covers encasing the hood, of which we wish to thank you. 
We asure you that the conditions specified in your letter will be duly adhered to by us. 
In this connection we shall be pleased if you will furnish us with a list of the public notices which you wish to have painted in the spaces on both sides of the covers reserved for you. / Trusting that the scheme will prove of mutual benefit to your-goodselves and all parties concerned.  

Report from Acting Commissioner of Public Health to Secretary. "Ref. 4294 - International Advertising Corporation". Shanghai, May 22, 1930. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-2992 (0769).

With reference to the proposal of the International Advertising Coporation, it is a little difficult to judge withtout the photograph of the covers to be used in covering the rickshaw hoods alluded to in the letter from this Association, of April 8th, 1930. 
I am however, in entire agreement with the idea that the various slogans should be placed on rickshaws, and consider it a very excellent means of public health publicity.  

Report from Acting Commissioner of Public Health. "Ricksha Publicity Scheme - Public Health Slogans." Shanghai, June 5, 1930. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-2992 (0770-0771).

Further to my letter of May 22 on the above matter, I enclose herewith a set of suggested slogans which have been specially drawn up to suit requirements of the Public Health Department, and recommend that they be translated and introduced as opportunity offers. (voir Excel)

Report from Commissioner of Police to Secretary. "Advertising on rickshas - Ref. No. 4294 of 21-5-1930". Shanghai, June 10, 1930. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-2992 (0772-0773).

The attached list of "Safety First" hints have been selected for this purpose (see Excel) 

Letter from S.M.C. Secretary to International Advertising Corporation. Shanghai, June 12, 1930. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-2992 (0774).

I reply to your letter of May 19, relative to advertising on public ricshas by means of a cover encasing the closed ricsha hood, I enclose here with Public Health and Traffic notices for inclusion in the advertising space. 

Letter from Bercott to Secretary. Shanghai, December 10, 1930. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-2992 (0775).

On May the 6th of ths year the Council gave permission to the International Advertising Coporation to carry out advertising on Public Rickshaws. We have the honour to inform you that on November 4th this year this firm took over the International Advertising Corporation, together with all its contracts, rights, etc.
We should be glad if you would not this fact and we would ask that you would confirm to us the permission previously granted to the International Advertising Coporation in regard to this type of advertising.  

Report from Commissioner of Police to Secretary. "Advertising on rickshas - Your Ref. No. 4294 of December 11". Shanghai, December 11, 1930. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-2992 (0776).

The is no police objection to this application provided the conditions set forth in your letter to the International Advertising Coporation on May 8 are complied with.  

Letter from Bercott's to Secretary. Shanghai, December 11, 1930. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-2992 (0777). 

Having mislaid our file in the reorgansiation of our office, we shall be obliged if you will please supply us with a copy of all correspondenc in reference to advertisements on Public Rickshaws, ie. Between ourselves, your replies and the correspondence between the two Councils which was previously supplied to us. 

Letter from Secretary to Bercott's. Shanghai, December 15, 1930. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-2992 (0778).  

Keywordsrickshaw ; mobile ; safety ; campaign ; information ; aesthetic ; hygiene ; public health ;
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