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NameIlluminated Advertising Company: Advertising Pillars at Omnibus Stopping Places
TitleIlluminated Advertising Co vs. Art Picture Advertising Company: Advertising Pillars at Omnibus Stopping Places
AuthorArt Picture Advertising Company; Illuminated Advertising Co.; Shanghai Municipal Council, Public Works Department, Police Department, Traffic Committee; China General Omnibus Company; Fleming, Franklin & Allman
CollectionShanghai Municipal Archives (SMA)
Sub collectionShanghai Municipal Council (SMC)
Reference NumberU1-3-3381 (0212-0236); U1-14-3257 (2099-2199)
Repository typeArchive

Illuminated Advertising Co vs. Art Picture Advertising Company. Erection of Advertising Pillars at Omnibus Stopping Places - Illuminated Advertising Company. 1928. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-3381 (0212-0236), and SMA (SMC) : U1-14-3257 (2099-2199). 

Commissioner of Public Works to Secretary Shanghai, October 24, 1928. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-3381 (0217).

I enclose for the consideration of the Council, an application by Messrs. Illuminated Advertisement Company for permission to erect illuminated advertising pillars on the foot paths at all omnibus stopping places throughout the Settlement. 
I also enclose an adverse report by the Commissioner of Police and a letter from the China General Omnibus Company, Limited, supporting the proposal.  

Letter - Application by the Illuminated Advertisements Company for permission to erect illuminated advertising pillars on footpaths at omnibus stopping places in Settlement. Shanghai, October 12, 1928. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-3381 (0218-0220).

We have the honour to address you to request your favourable attention to the following proposal. We propose to erect at all Bus stops throughout the International Settlement, in suitable locations on the footpaths and in coppoeration with the China General Omnibus Company, hollow glass and iron framed pillars ten feet and three inches (10'-3") high over all by twelve inches (12") square, excepting the top which will have a slightly overhanging ove about fourteen inches (14") square.
The base will be of hollow cast iron filled with concrete and let into the ground a depth of two feet. This cast iron base of concrete will extend above ground eight inchese (8") to form a kick plate. To this base will be bolted a 1/2" thick iron fram which will have a flange inside at the bottom on three sides which will be bolted to the cast iron base. The frame work will be one solid piece of 1/2" iron which will be bent into a ... (U) shape with right angle corners; on the fourth side another piece of 1/2" iron plate will be hinged to one side to form a door to permit access to the interior of the pillar (see accompanying blut print). On each side of the pillar six openings 10" x 14 1/2") will be out from top to bottom leaving a 1" inch iron strip dividing each space and also 1" on the sides to form the corners of the frame and to permit insertion of 1/2" glass plates.
By this method of construction the frame work will be sufficiently rigid to stand a good heavy strain and will not require inside diagonal braces, thus leaving the interior clear from top to bottom.
These pillars will be illuminated at night, enable the public to readily see the Bus stops and should it be desired we are prepared to give the S.M.P. Traffic Department any space necessary for the display of danger or other traffic signs as required free of charges. 

The pillars will have a uniform pleasing appearance, being aluminium covered, while the glass panels will contain photographic transparent positives, hand colored to suit the subject advertised. We undertake to erect these pillars at our expense under the supervision of the Public Works Department.
At present, the Bus stops are not illuminated at night and are hard to locate even in the day time, unless one happens to be in a locality with which they are acquainted.
We consider that this new style pillar will be a public benefit and an addition to the streets of Shanghai as they will be of pleasing appearance by day, and at night the white glazed ball on the top of each pillar will add to the street illumination wherever one is located.
We wish also to point out that should the Shanghai Municipal Police, Traffic Department desire to erect special danger signals of other lighted traffic signs which could be suitably displayed on the described pillars, we are prepared to erect a pillar at any point designated free of charge provided we may use the balance of the space not required by the Shanghai Municipal Police for advertising purposes.

Report from Commissioner of Public Works to Commissioner of Police - forwarding a copy of letter from Illuminated Advertising Company propsing to erect advertising pillars to be used for indicating Bus Stopping places and asking for comments. Shanghai, October 15, 1928. Source: SMA (SMC) : U1-14-3257 (2106). 

I enclose a copy of letter I have received from Messrs. The Illuminated Advertisement Company with reference to a proposal to erect advertising pillars to be use for indicating Bus stopping places. I shall be obliged if you will let me have any comments you may care to make on the subject. 

Commissioner of Police to Commissioner of Public Works. "Advertising Pillars - Your No. DS-80/86 dated 15/10/28". Shanghai, October 17, 1928. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-3381 (0223), and SMA (SMC) : U1-14-3257 (2107).

Permission for illuminated advertising kiosks on the public streets was refused by the Council some years ago, but they were permitted in the French Concession. They apparently were not a success, were allowed to fall into disrepair and finally were removed. I am of the opinion that this would be the probable fate of this new sheme. These advertising pillars are larger than the present form of Bus Stop sign, and not only would they cause unnecessary obstruction, especially if placed in a line with the ranking space situated between the speedway and the lane for slow moving traffic, in the case of Avenue Edward VII, but would tend to distract the attention of pedestrians leading to accidents. A concession of this nature granted to one concern would undoubtedly lead to similar application being made by other parties interested in advertising which would be hard to refuse. I am unable to recommend approval for this form of advertising.  

Letter from Commissioner of Public Works to Illuminated Advertisement Co. "Advertising Pillars at Omnibus Stopping Places": Negative Reply. Shanghai, October 18, 1928. Source:  SMA (SMC) : U1-14-3257 (2108).

With reference to your letter for the 12th instant, I beg to inform you that neither the Commissionner of Police nor myself are prepared to recommend the Council to favourably consider your proposal to erect advertising pillars on Municipal Roads. A somewhat similar application was made to the Council some years ago and was refused.  

Route Signs & Fittings - Letter from China General Omnibus Company, Limited. Shanghai, October 19, 1928. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-3381 (0221-0222).

A new Firm styling themselves the Illuminated Advertisement Company have advised us that they are prepared to erect pillars which can be illuminated from within for the purpose of displaying advertisements. They offer to give us a space of some two or three square feet per pillar from the display of our Route Notices, Rates, etc., free of charge. 

We understand that this Company has already put this matter before you and that a blue print of the proposed pillar is in your hands. We need not say that such an arrangement would be extremely satisfactory tu us, and of considerable benefit to the General Public. We trust therefore that the question of the autorization of the erection of the proposed illuminated pillars at our Stopping places may receive your favourable support. 

Advertising Pillars at Omnibus Stopping Places - Reply from the Commissioner of Public Works to China General Omnibus Co., Ltd. Shanghai, October 22, 1928. Source:  SMA (SMC) : U1-14-3257 (2110).

With reference to your letter of the 19th instant, I have alreadly received a comunication from Messrs. Illuminated Advertisement Company and I enclose herewith for your information, a copy of my reply of the 18th insant.  

Report from Commissioner of Public Works to Acting Secretary - "ADVERTISING PILLARS AT OMNIBUS STOPPING PLACES". Shanghai, October 24, 1928. Source:  SMA (SMC) : U1-14-3257 (2111).
I enclose for hte consideration of the Council, as application by Messrs. Illuminated Adertisement Company for permission to erect illuminated advertising pillars on the footpaths at all omnibus stopping places throughout the Settlement. I also enclose as adverse report by the Commissioner of Police and a letter from the China General Omnibus Co, Ltd, supporting the proposal. 

Circular to Traffic Committee forwarding the application from Illuminated Advertisement Company: A/Sec's adverse comments. Shanghai, October 25, 1928. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-3381 (0233). 

Application for permission to erect pillars on the public footways which would serve to combine advertising matter with omnibus stop-notices. The Police are opposed to the proposition. For the Existing Omnibus stop-notices use is made, where possible, of lighting and other poles. In considering the question of footway obstructions in its bearing on traffic generally, the Traffic Commission recorded the recommendation that "uncessary poles on footways should be avoided". The traffic interest would appear to be paramount, and should not be subordinated to an advertising proposition; moreover, the existing bus notices, though admittedly unobstrusive, would appear to meet the needs of bus users. Accordingly, I recommend the application be disapproved. 

Secretary to  Illuminated Advertisement Company informing them permission to erect illuminated pillars is refused, and giving reasons therefore. Shanghai, October 30, 1928. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-3381 (0234).

I am directed to acknowledge receipt of your letter of October 12, addressed to the Commissioner of Public Works, applying for permission to erect pillars on the public footways, which would serve to combine advertising matter with omnibus stop notices. 
In reply, I am directed to inform you that having regard to the existing congestion on public footways, the Council is of the opinion that the erection of these pillars would be detrimental to traffic interests generally, and accordingly, it is regretted that the permission sought for cannot be accorded. 

Secretary to China General Omnibus Company, informing them permission has been refused to Illuminated Advertisement Company to erect illuminated pillars. Shanghai, October 30, 1928. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-3381 (0235).

I am directed to acknowledge receipt of your letter of October 19, addressed to the Commissioner of Public Works, supporting the application of the Illuminated Advertisement Company for permission to erect pillars on the public footways, which would serve to combine advertising matter with omnibus stop notices. 
In reply, I am directed to inform you that having regard to the existing congestion on public footways, the Council is of the opinion that the erection of these pillars would be detrimental to traffic interests generally, and accordingly, it is regretted that the permission sought for cannot be accorded.

Letter to Commissioner of Public Works from Fleming, Franklin & Allman (c/o Illuminated Advertisement Company). Shanghai, November 1, 1928. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-3257 (2116).

We have been instructed by the Illuminated Advertisement Company to inform you that Mr. W. Tenney is no longer connected with this firm. The business of the firm will be carried on by Mr. H.G. Levitin and Mr. B.E. Kanel with offices as heretofore at No. 60 Kiangse Road. 

Our clients have further instructed us to inform you that they are building a sample post conforming to the drawing heretofore shown to you. It is hoped that the sample will be completed and ready for erection during the next ten days. 

Should you have any further communications with regard to this matter, will you kindly address them to the Company at the address givent above or in case of the undersigned. 

Letter from Commissioner of Public Works to Fleming, Franklin & Allman (c/o Illuminated Advertisement Company). Shanghai, November 2, 1928. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-3257 (2118).

In reply to your letter of the 1st instant, it will be advisable for your clients to obtain the Council's permission to erect a sample post before proceeding with its construction. 
As you are doubtless aware the Council has already disapproved the application of the Illuminated Advertisement Company to erect these pillars at the Omnibus Company's stopping places throughout the Settlement. 

Art Picture Advertising Company to Commissioner of Public Works. Shanghai, November 3, 1928. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-3257 (2119).

This will serve to inform you that Mr. W.H. Tenney has no further connection with the Illuminated Advertisement Company as from November 1st, 1928. We also wish to advise you that Mr. Tenney has transferred his interest in the above mentioned Company to the Art Picture Advertising company and will carry on the business formerly proposed by him for the Illuminated Adv'ert Company under the firm name at the head of this sheet.
In connection with this we wish to state that a sample Pillar is now in course of construction according to Mr. Tenney's specification and will be ready for erection in about two weeks, about November 15th, 28. We therefore request permission of the Shanghai Municipal Council through your Department and that of the S.M. Police Department to erect this sample pillar on the Bund on the foot path South the inner roadway opposite the Sassoon Building where the Buses stop before turning into Nanking Road. We request this permission in order to desomontrate that these new Bus stop pillars will be a public benefit and utility and ot pleasing appearance. 
(p.2/2) We may state before enclosing that this Company is thouroughly responsible concern financially and otherwise and should the sample pillar when erected, meet the approval of the Shanghai Municipal Council, we are prepared to proceed with the erection of these Pillars at all Bus stops where practicable, throughout the International Settlement. We would be pleased if you would be kind enough to convey a copy of your reply to this letter to the China General Omnibus Company, for their information. 

Letter from Fleming, Franklin & Allman to Commissioner of Public Works (c/o Illuminated Advertisement Company). Shanghai, November 5, 1928. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-3257 (2120).

We acknowledge receipt of your letter of November 2nd, calling our attention to the fact that the Council has disapproved of the application of the Illuminated Advertisement Company to erect illuminated advertising pillars at the Omnibus Company's stopping places. 

Our clients would like to ask the Council's reconsideration of its decision in this matter and in order that the Council may have an opportunity to better understand the nature of the construction and appearance of the proposed advertising pillars, we would ask on behalf of our clients that the Council permit them to erect at one of the Omnibus Company's stopping places in the International Settlement, a sample post? Our clients believe that is this permission is granted, the Council will undoubtedly find that the design and appearance of the pillars are not objectionable and that its use may prove to be a public convenience.  

Letter from China General Omnibus Company acknowledging receipt of the letter and stating they have duly noted its contents. Shanghai, November 6, 1928. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-3381 (0236).

We beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter No. 4784 of the 30th ulto. Contents of which we have duly noted. 

Art Picture Advertising Company to Secretary enclosing a copy of letter sent to Commissioner of Public Works stating that a sample pillar is in course of construction and asking permission to erect it for demonstration. Shanghai, November 7, 1928. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-3381 (0237). 

Commissioner of Public Works to Secretary stating he has no objection to sample pillar being erected subject to certain conditions. Shanghai, November 8, 1928. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-3381 (0240-0241).

Commissioner of Police to Secretary stating there are no Police objections to erection of sample pillar, with departmental comments. Shanghai, November 10, 1928. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-3381 (0244). 

Circular to Traffic Committee forwarding application by Art Picture Company to erect sample pillar with departmental comments. Shanghai, November 12, 1928. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-3381 (0245).

Letter from Illuminated Advertisement Company to Commissioner of Public Works. Shanghai, November 12, 1928. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-3381 (0252). 

Letter from Illuminated Advertisement Company to Commissioner of Public Works. Shanghai, November 12, 1928. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-3381 (0252). 

Letter from Commissioner of Public Works to Illuminated Advertisement Company. Shanghai, Shanghai, November 14, 1928. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-3381 (0253). 

Letter from Fleming, Franklin & Allman to Commissioner of Public Works. Shanghai, November 15, 1928. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-3381 (0254-0255).

Our clients the Illuminated Advertisement Company have handled us your letter of November 14, 1928, in which you inform them that you have received an pplication from the Art Picture Advertising Company who state tat they have taken over the interest of hte Illuminated Advertisement COmpany, and that their application to erect a pillar similar to that covered by our clients' application is now receivin the consideration of the Council. You ask to be informed whether our clients application is in the same interests or whether they wish to be regarded as an independent firm in opposition to the Art Picture Advertising Company.
In reply to your letter our clients instructed us to say that the information which has been given you by the Art Picture Advertising Company that they have take over the interests of the Illuminated Advertisement Company is false. Our clients presume that the party representing the Arti Picture Advertisement Company is one W.H. Tenney who was formerly associated with our clients in the Illuminated Advertisement COmpany but who by a letter directed to our clients dated the 31st day of October demanded the sum of Tls. 300.00 and stated that if his demands were not complied with, he would consider it a waste of time to interst himself any further in the affairs of the Company and that he would withdraw. On the 1st of November, 1928, our clients signed and delivered to W.H. Tenney a letter in which they refused to comply with this demands and agreed to his withdrawal from the Company. Since then, our clients Messrs. Levitin and Kanel have continued the business under the name "Illuminated Advertisement Company". They have not transferred the business of the Illuminated Advertisement Company to the Art Picture Advertising Company, to Mr. Tenney or to anyone else and you will readily see from the foregoing that you have been misinformed by whoever has addressed you on behalf of the Art Picture Advertising Company. As you are well aware, the application to erect advertising pillars was made in the first instance by the Illuminated Advertisement Company. Mr. Levitin, one of our licents, is the originator of the idea here and the promoter of the enterprise, and we respectfully submit, on behalf of our clients that they are entitled to first consideration in this matter.
We refer you to our letter of November 5th, in which an application was made on behalf of our clients for the there erection of a sample pillar. This application was made with the hope that after the sample pillar was erected the Council might reconsider its previous action in disapproving of the application of our clients the Illuminated Advertisement Company. In this connection please keep in mind that the application of this Company was the first made, and that they have not transferred their interests to any other person or firm.

Letter from Fleming, Franklin & Allman to Commissioner of Public Works. Shanghai, November 15, 1928. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-3257 (2126-2127). 

With reference to my letter of the 8th instant, it is possible that the statement "They" (Messrs. Art Picture Advertising Company) state they have taken over the interests of Messrs. Illuminated Advertisement Company" made therein may not be quite correct.
The following is an extract from the letter received from the Art Picture Advertising Company dated November 3, 1928: " This will serve to inform you that Mr. W.H. Tenney has no further connection with the Illuminated Advertisement Company as from November 1st, 1928. We also wish to advise you that Mr. Tenney has transferred his interest in the above mentioned Company to the Art Picture Advertising company and will carry on the business formerly proposed by him for the Illuminated Adv'ert Company under the firm name at the head of this sheet. 
In connection with this we wish to state that a sample Pillar is now in course of construction according to Mr. Tenney's specification and will be ready for erection in about two weeks, about November 15th, 28....". 

As all the negociation on the question of illuminated advertising pillars had been conductedwith Mr. Tenney, it was presumed that he had the controlling interest and if the statement proves to be incorrect, I must apologize for misleading you.  

Commissioner of Public Works to Secretary enclosing correspondence with Messrs. Franklin & Allman and Messrs. Illuminated Advertisement Company: recommends that action in matter be defferd until Art Picture Company and Illuminated Advertisement Company come to agreement on priority of rights. Shanghai, November 16, 1928. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-3381 (0246).

With reference to my reports of the 8th instant, I enclose correspondence I have had with Messrs. Fleming, Franklin and Allman and with Messrs. Illuminated Advertisement Company. I reommend that no further action be taken in the matter un til the two companies concerned come to an agreement on the question of priority of rights.  
Letter to Chairman from Law Offices of Schuhl & Schoenfeld & Lurton. Shanghai, December 1, 1928. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-3257 (2131).

I enclose herewith three letters from the China General Omnibus Company Ltd., two of which are addressed to Mr. Tenney, and one datted November 6th addressed to Mr. Saphiere of the Art Picture Advertising Company. I understand that Mr. Tenney has fully outlined the matter to you and as you can see from the letter of November 6th, the Omnibus Company is quite willing to work with our clients, the art Picture Advertising Company, and we would appreciate it very much if some definite reply were given by the Shanghai Municipal Council as to whether or not the Art Advertising Company can secure permission ot erect the illuminated stop signs. 

Art Picture Advertising Company to Commissioner of Public Works again asking for permission to erect sample pillar and enclosing letter from China General Omnibus Company agreeing to make use of same if Council gives permission for its erection. Shanghai, February 16, 1929. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-3381 (0256) 

With further reference to our Mr. Tenney's call on you, in conneciton with securing the necessary permit to erect one Bus Stop, we now take pleasure in enclosing herewith copy of letter from Messrs. The Shanghai General Bus Company, dated November 18th, 1928, which is self explanatory. Furthermore, Mr Benner secertary fo the General Bus Company, has informed us that his company would not be intersted in the other firm who is seeking a permit from the Council to erect the above mentioned Pillars and that no authoriy has been given them in this connection by the General Bus Company. You may refer to Mr. Benner for further particulars in this matter.

We are seeking permission to erect a combination Bus Stop, and advertising pillar, which will be of benefit to the community, and NOT merely an advertising pillar, and trust that you will see you way clear to grant us the necessary permission at an early date. We have a sample Pillar completed, except for the miner details, and we are most anxious to get eahead with our project. 

Copy of letter from China General Omnibus Company agreeing to make use of advertising pillars  if Council gives permission for its erection. Shanghai, February 16, 1929. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-3381 (0257)

With reference to our conversation of date, we would confirm that provided the Municipal Council grants permission to you to erect pillars for illuminated signs, we are prepared to make use of sam for display of notices respecting our bus services in accordance with the terms laid down in our letter to you of 30th October last.  

Commissioner of Public Works to Secretary. Shanghai, February 21, 1929. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-3381 (0258).

With reference to my reports of November 8 and 16, 1928, I enclose a further application from the Art Picture Advertising Company for permission to erect a sample advertisement Bus Stop pillar for the Council's inspect. I am informed that the Illuminated Advertisement Company is no longer interested in the matter and as the present proposal has received the support of the Shanghai General Omnibus Company, I recommend that permission be granted to erect a sample pillar on the Bund at the Bus Stop north of Peking Road under the conditions suggested in my report of November 8, 1928. 

Commissioner of Police to Secretary. Shanghai, February 25, 1929. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-3381 (0259).

There are no police objections to the erection of a sample pillar on the Bund at the Bus Stop north of Peking Road, under the conditions suggested by the Commissioner of Public Works.

Secretary to Art Picture Advertising Company according permission to erect sample pillar subject to certain conditions. Shanghai, February 26, 1929. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-3381 (0260-0261).

I am directed to acknowledge receipt of your letter of February 16, applying for permission to erect a sample pillar which would serve to combine advertising matter with omnibus bus stop notices. 
In reply, I am directed to inform you that the Council accords permission for the erection of one such pillar on the Bund at the omnibus stop north of Peking Road, upon the following conditions: 
(a) The permission will not carry any obligation on the part to the Council to allow the erection of any further pillars.
(b) the exact position of the pillar will be agreed to by the Police and the Public Works Department 
(c) The sample pillar will be removed immediately instructions are issued to that effect. (d) Your Company to bear the cost of the erection of the pillar and also the cost of any reinstatement to the roadway that may be found necessary. 
(e) That is it understood that the exemption permitted to this case does not constitute any waiver on the Council's part of tirs right to carge an easement fee in respect of such pillars. (f) That the advertisements exhibited on the experimental pillar be submitted for the prior approval of the Police nad that their exhibition be subject to the Council's advertisement rate, to be levied from such time as in its discretion it may think fit.  

Art Picture Advertising Company acknowledging permission to erect sample pillar and agreeing to conditions imposed.  Shanghai, March 1, 1929. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-3381 (0262).

We have to acknowledge with many thanks receipt of your favour of the 26th ult. granting us the permission to erect a sample pillar which serve to combine advertising matter with omnibus stop notices. In reply, we would also confirm our acceptance to the terms and conditions outlined in your above mentioned letter, relative to the erection of the sample pillar. 

Letter from Illuminated Advertisement Company to Commissioner of Public Works. Shanghai, March 8, 1928. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-3257 (2131). 

We are now in the possession of the licensed permission of the French Municipal Council to establish an advertisement Company, which is to erect advertisement pillars on tramway and autobus stops. The first two pillars will be erected newt week-end on the corner of Avenue Edward VII and Thibet Roads. 
We beg to kindly let us know where on the International Settlement you may allow us to erect a sample pillar and what steps must be taken from our part in order to obtain the Municipal permission for the International Settlement. 
Hoping you will kindly excuse us for bothering you and awaiting for early reply we beg to remain... 

Letter from Fleming, Franklin & Allman to Commissioner of Public Works to Commissioner of Public Works to Secretary - RE: ILLUMINATED ADVERTISEMENT COMPANY. Shanghai, March 9, 1928. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-3257 (2142-2143).

Our clients the Illuminated Advertisement Company have been informed that you have granted to Mr. W.H. Tenney or to a concern know as the Art Picture Advertising Company, a licence to erect a sample combination bus-stop and advertising pillar on one of the public footpaths or roads in the International Settlement. Our clients inform us that in a conversation between their Mr. LEvitin and yourself, you told him htat no permission of this kind would be granted to Mr. Tenney or to his company until you had had an opportunity to inspect a sample pillar of this caracter which our clients are to erect in the Frenc Concesion under licence from the French Municipal Council. Our clints inform us that the French Municipal Council have already granted them the concession of the erection of these pillars in the French Settlement. Our clients are naturally very much idsappointed that you should have granted this permission to Mr. Tenney.
As we have represented to you before, the idea of this combination advertisement and bus-stop pillar originates with our clients. They preparedthe blueprint and Mr. Nenney's services were used only to assist them in an effort the secure the concession. As a reward for his services, Mr. Tenney was to become an associate in the business. Insetad of working in the intersts of our clients, Mr. Tenney first demanded money from them to which he was not entitled and failing in his efforts to secure this, processed to appropriate their ideas and to apply to you for the concession for the benefit of himself and whoever he may be at present associated with. Our clients feel that in the circumstances Mr. Tenney should not have been favored by you. 

We have been instructed by our clients to now apply to you for a license to erect a sample pillar of the character mentioned above, and if the form of the pillar shall prove acceptable to the Council, they will thereafter apply for permission to erect the same at various places in the International Settlement to be used either as bus-stops or as tram-stops provided they are able to make the necessary arragements with either the Omnibus Company or the Tramway Company.

Letter from Commissioner of Public Works to Fleming, Franklin & Allman. "Illuminated Advertisement Pillars". Shanghai, March 11, 1928. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-3257 (2144).

In reply to your letter of the 9th instant, I beg to inform you that permission has been given to the Art Picture Advertising Company to erect a sample advertisement bus stop pillar on The Bund north of Peking Road, but that this permission does not carry any obligation on the part of the Council to allow either the erection of any further pillars or the retention of the sample one. 
As your clients have received permission to erect pillars in the French Administration"s roads, I shall be obliged if you will inform me when the first of them has been actually erected, so that this type of pillar and that to be erected by the Art Picture Advertisement Company may be compared.  

Letter from Commissioner of Public Works to Reply to Illuminated Advertisement Company from -  "Illuminated Advertisement Pillars". Shanghai, March 11, 1928. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-3257 (2145). 

In reply to your letter of the 8th instant, I forward herewith a copy of letter to Messrs. Fleming, Franklin & Allman, and which deals with the points raised by you. 

Letter from Illuminated Advertisement Company to Public Works Department - requesting the Public Works Departement to inspect the two sample pillars they have erected in the French Concession. Shanghai, April 27, 1928. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-3257 (2146).
We have the honour to inform you that we have erected two sample posts in the French Concession, one at the corner of French Bund and Avenue Edward VII, and one at the corner of Boulevard de Montigny, and Avenue Edward VII. We kindly request you to notify us when we will it be convenient for you to inspect these two sample posts. 

The type of theses two sample posts was choosed and approved by the French Municipal Council. The sample post erected by Mr. Tenney at the Bund near Peking Road is exactly the same as the original blue prints which we have sent to you. In case you will prefer the type erected by Mr. Tenney, we oblige ourselves to erect all posts in the International Settlement according to his sample post.  

Report from Acting Commissioner of Public Works to Acting Commissioner of Police - "Illuminated Advertisement - Bus Stop Signs". Shanghai, May 2, 1928. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-3257 (2147).

Sample standards have been erected as follows: 1. At the junction of Peking Road and the Bund by Art Picture Company. 2. At the junction of the French Bund and Avenue Edward VII (by Illuminated Advertisement Co.) 3. At the junction of Boulevards Montigny and Avenue Edward VII. 

There are slight differences between the two types and the question arises as to whether the erection of either type shall be permitted. If permission is given, I understand that similar standards would be erected at all bus stops and the system might also be extended to the tramways. I understand that the French Municipal Council has approved the use of the type as shown at (2) and (3) above. 
Will you kindly examine the samples and let me have your views.  

Letter from China General Omnibus Company, Limited to Deputy Commissioner of Public Works. "Route Signs & Fittings". Shanghai, May 1928. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-3257 (2148).

With reference to yesterday's conversation, we shall be very much obliged if you will kindly provide us with a permit to remove the seciion indicator situated at the corner of Peking Road and the Bund. 

Acting Commissioner of Police to Commissioner of Public Works. Shanghai, May 9, 1929. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-3381 (0268).

The sample standard  erected at Peking Road - Bund junction is considered preferable. 2. Any permission given to instal should clearly state: (a) Each location must be considered separately. (b) The Bus Company must take full responsibility for erection and maintenance. (c) On request by the Police the Bus Company must dismantly and remove these signs promptly.

Police's view on "Illuminated Bus Stop Signs - Reasons for Objecting"  - report from Police dated 9th May - attached to the report from Commissioner of Public Works to Secretary dated May 21, 1929. Shanghai, May 9, 1929. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-3257 (2161) 

Reasons for Objecting. Too many obstruction already on footpaths in connection with essential services. Tram Company will probably ask for some privilege. Council's policy is to restrict advertising. They ask for monopoly - without payment on their part. If buw signs considered desigable they should be open to public competition. Standards are 14,5" x 14,5" at base. Best position for bus stop may be at worst position on footpath for standard. The position of bus stops is changed it will be necessary to dig up footpath to get at underground cable.   

Letter from China General Omnibus Company's to Art Picture Advertisng Company. Shanghai, May 10, 1929. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-3381 (0264).

With further reference to your letter of 1st March last, we now beg to advise that the specimen pillar erected on the Bund opposite the Banque de l'Indo Chine is, in our opinion, satisfafactory in appearance and construction. 
The use of pillars exactly the same is therefore approved. A draft agreement compiled on the lines already discussed is being prepared and we hope to forxard sme to your for approval in the course of a few days.

Letter from Illuminated Advertisement Company to Public Works Department. Shanghai, May 11, 1929. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-3257 (2152). 

With reference to our letter of 27th ult. In regard to the inspection of the sample posts erected in the French Concesison, we have the honour to request you let us know if you found thoese two posts suitable for the International Settelement, of any changes in construction has to be made in order to obtain the license. Awaiting for your kind and early reply.  

Art Picture Advertising Company to Secretary. "Illuminated Bus Stop Pillars". Remarking on success of sample pillar and asking for franchise for erection of illuminated pillars in Settlement: copy of China General Omnibus Company's letter attached. Shanghai, May 13, 1929. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-3381 (0263). 

In reply to your letter of May 11th, I have to inform you that this matter has been fowarded to the Council for its consideration and decision, pending the receipt of which nothing further can be done. 

Illuminated Bus Stop Pillars - Letter from the Art Piciture Advertising Company dated May 13, 1929 - Commissioner of Revenue to Secretary recommending that, if franchise is granted to Art Picutre Advertising Company, in addition to easement fee special advertisement rate be charged. Shanghai, May 14, 1929. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-3381 (0265). 

I understand that these pillars are to be used mainly for the display of Illuminated Advertising matter. In the event of the requested franchise being granted to these people, I recommend that in addition to such easement fee as may be decided upon, a Special Advertisement Rate of Tls. 0.50 per square foot per annum be levied on all advertising displayed.  

Acting Commissioner of Police to Secretary reporting that permission to instal illuminated bus stop pillars should embody certain conditions. Shanghai, May 16, 1929. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-3381 (0266). 

In informing the Acting Commissioner of Public Works as to the views held by the police on this subject, I stated: 1. The specimen type installed at Peking Road - Bund corner by Art Picture Company was considered preferable. 2. Any permission given to instal should clearly state: (a) Each location must be considered separately. (b) The Bus Company must take full responsibility for erection and maintenance. (c) On request by the Police the Bus Company must dismantly and remove these signs promptly. 
If the Bus Company are held entirely respinsible any question of a monopoly would not affect the Council, but would be a contract between the two Companies interested.  

Commissioner of Public Works to Council referring to applications for permits to erect illuminated bus signs, recommends that permission be refused: reasons given: Police views attached. Traffic & Utilities Committees. Shanghai, May 21, 1929. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-3381 (0267). 

I have received applications for permits to erect illuminated advertisement signs of the type shown in the accompanying photograph, from two independent advertising companies, one of which I understand has already obtained a concession from the French Municipality. 

The opinion of the Acting Commissioner of Police are given on the attached letter to me dated 9th May. 

I consider generally that street advertising is undesirable and facilities should not be provided by the Council. The illuminated signs will naturally attract the attention of pedestrians and congestion will result on narrow foothpaths. 

The intention is to erect those signs wherever bus stops are placed and it will be difficult to refuse extensions to the system once it is started. I recommend that I be authorized to refuse the applications. 

Circular to members forwarding departmental comments on Art Picture Company's application to erect illuminated bus signs. Members' comments. Shanghai, May 22, 1929. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-3381 (0270).

Further to the Council's letter of February 16 (tabbef) the Art Picture Advertising Company now make aplication ofr permission to instal Bus Stop-Advertising Pillars throughout the Settlement. Department comments are attached. The position at present is that, though an experimental pillar has been allowed, the Traffic Committee has ruled against any general introduction of these pillars. 

These seems to have been much ado about little in this case. On general principles advertising signs which tend to obstruct traffic should be prohibited but I doubt whether those proposed would do so to an appreciable extent. The bus stops signs I presume are necessary and they should be fairaly conspicuous. No little inconvenience was experienced recently in London because they were not sufficiently so. If the Bus stop signs are necessary then the type and illuminated renders them conspicuous. They are not unsightly and the advertising matter will be read chiefly to those waiting for a bus at the spot selected as most convenient for the public to wait. I am not opposed to giving these bus stop pillars a trial. No very serious issue to be involved. 

China General Omnibus Company to Secretary requesting that Council give permission for the erection of illuminated bus pillars: benefits of same enumerated. Shanghai, May 27, 1929. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-3381 (0271).

We beg to refer to the specimen pillar which has been erected which has been erected on the Bund adjacent to the Banque de l'Indo Chine by permission of the Municipal Council. / We would advise that we are satisfied that the use of such pillars at our various stopping places would be of great benefit to us and to the travelling public. 
The principal advantages are increased visibility and the fact that our fare and time-table notices can be read by night as welle as by day. 

We shall very much appreciate it if the Council can be so good as to extend their favourable consdieration in this project.  

Art Picture Advertising Company forwarding pictures of sample pillar to be placed before traffic commission. Shanghai, May 27, 1929. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-3381 (0272).

With further reference to our letter of the 13th inst. (May 1929), in connection with the above mentioned subject (Illuminated Bus Stop Pillars), we now take pleasure in enclosing two photographs of the Pillar in question, which we would thank you place before the Traffic Commission at your earliest convenience. Should you require any further copies of enclosed photographs, was will be pleased to furnish you with same. 
We trust that you will be able to arrive at an early decision in connection with this matter, and await your advises with much interest. 

Hand-written note by PWD giving dimensions of the pillar erected on the Bund. Shanghai, May 27, 1929. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-3257 (2168). 

Bund Bus Stop. 12" square, base 13, 5" square. 

Letter from Illuminated Advertisement Company to Public Works Department - enclosing an extract from the Shanghai Times regarding the Art Picture Company pillars, dated June 2, 1929 - and requesting the PWD to let them know about the license in the International Settlement. Shanghai, June 2, 1929. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-3257 (2169).

With reference to our letter of 13th ultimo (May 1929), we are enclosing an extract from todays issue of Shanghai Times regarding the Art Picture Company which is self explanatory. We will be much obliged if you will kindly let us know about the license for International Settlement. 

Letter from from Acting Commissioner of Public Works to Illuminated Advertisement Company. "Bus Stop Signs" - informing that the matter is still under consideration by the Council and that no permit of any sort beyond the initial experimental one has yet been issued. Shanghai, June 4, 1929. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-3257 (2170).

In reply to your letter of June 3rd enclosing cutting from the Shanghai Times, I have to inform you that this matter is still under consideration by the Council and that no permit of any sort beyond the initial experimental one has yet been issued.  

Copy of Minute of Traffic Committee Meeting. "Omnibus stop - Advertising Pillars". Shanghai, June 4, 1929. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-3381 (0277). 

In connexion with the permission granted by the Council to the Art Picture Advertising Company to erect a sample bus-stop pillar on the Bund, the Company now applies for permission to erect these pillars throughout the Settelement. The Committee has hitherto opposed the general introduction of these pillars, and on the ground that they will naturally attract the attention of pedestrians and cause congestion on narrow footpaths the Action Commissioner of Public Works recommends that this application be refused.
Members agree that the erection of such pillars on narrow footway would cause serious obstruction and that once permission was granted it would be difficult to prvent their erection at certain points where the buses stop and where other standards connected with essential services already exist. On the other hand it is considered that conspicuous signs indicating bus stops are desirable in the public interest.
The Acting Commissioner of Public Works states that the base of the pillars proposed to be erected is 14,5" square, in his view conscpicuous bus-stop pillars, the base of which did not exceed 3" square could be utilised. The obstruction cause by such would be negligible. Alternatively, conspicuous bus-stps signs could be affixed to existing standards. The Committee realises that while there could be no objection to the erection of the proposed type of pillars on wide thoroughfares, such as the Bund, their installation on narrow footways would further increase the existing congestion, furhtermo it would be impracticable to grant permission for the erection of the proposed type of pillars only at points where they would not cause obstruction. 
It is therefore recommended that the Company be informed that the proposed type of pillar is regarded as unsuitable for general introduction throughout the Settlement, but that the Council is willing to consider any further application on which involves the introduction of a small pillar, or, alternatively, a type which could be affixed around existing street standards. 

Art Picture Advertising Company to Secretary pointing out the advantages of illuminated pillars, and offering to place Council notices thereon. Shanghai, June 10, 1929. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-3381 (0278).
With further reference to our letters of the 13th and 27th ult. In conneciton with the above subject, we regret that we failed to mention the dimensions of the pillar in question, which are as follows: Outside dimensions 12" (twelve inches)- square. Sectional Spaces 15,5"X 8,5". Height of Pillar 10'10". 

In order to serve the public further, we would be willing to co-operate with the Police Department and Health Department, with a view to placing their various notice on these pillars. We would be pleased to come to some arrangement whereby a number of sections on certain Pillars could be utilized as parking notices, and the same privileges would be extended to the Health Department. Such notices would be visible during the day and night, and we feel confident will prove an excellent medium for both departments. 

Should the Council be prepared to adopt our suggestions, these ornamental Pillars will serve a triple purpose, i.e.: - A bus Section stop clearly visible both during the night and day to newcomers and residents of Shanghai alike, Police notices spread throughout the City and Health notices, all of which can be placed on standardized Pillars. 

The Bus Stop Pillar that we seek permission to erect will servce the public in the same measure as Pillar Boewes, although occupying less than half the space. These Pillars in many instances will occupy less space than electricity or Telephone Poles, and are decidedly a greater benefit to the public, than the thousands of trees planted around Shanghai. 

We would like to state that Photographic Porcelain Plates will be used on these Pillars which will make same even more artistic and attractive, as they will all be hand coloured by artists. Furthermore we would ask you to consider the question of added illumination to the streets, which will be furnished by these attractive Pillars.
Secretary to China General Omnibus Company informing them Art Picture Advertising Company's application has been refused for type of pillar proposed. Shanghai, June 13, 1929. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-3381 (0279). 

I am directed to acknowledge receipt of your letter of May 27 relative to the application which has been submitted to the Council by the Art Picture Advertising Company, for permission for the general introduction on the Settlement footways of a form of pillar which would serve to combine advertising matter with omnibus stop notices. / In reply, I am directed to send you herewith copy of a letter which the Council has today addressed to the Art Picture Advertising Company, refusing permission for the introduction of the type of pillar proposed. 

Secretary to Art Picture Advertising Company informing them proposed type of pillar is unsuitable, but Council is prepared to consider smaller type or, alternatively, device to be affixed around existing street standards. Shanghai, June 13, 1929. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-3381 (0280). 

I am directed to acknowledge receipt of your letter of May 13 applying for permission for the general introduction on the Settlement footways of a form of pillar which would serve to combine advertising matter with omnibus stop notices. 

In reply, I am directed to inform you that having carefully considered all the attendant factors, the Council is unwilling to accord permission for the introduction of the type of pillar proposed, on the grounds of the aggravation of the existing congestion on public footways which would ensue. 
In informing you of the unsuitability for general introduction of the proposed type of pillar, involving a 14" square base, I have to state that the Council is prepared to consider an application for the application of a smaller pillar, the base of which would occupy a considerably lesser area, or, alternatively, a device which could be affiwed around existing street standards. 
Commissioner of Police to Secretary recommending refusal of application. Shanghai, June 14, 1929. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-3381 (0281).

In view of the recommendation recorded by the Traffic Committee at their meeting June 4, 1929, I recommend that this application be refused. 

Letter from Illuminated Advertisement Company to Public Works Department. Shanghai, June 15, 1929. Source: SMA (SMC) 3257 (2181).

With reference to our previous correspondence in regard to the persmission for erecting Illuminated Posts in the International Settlement, we were advised by Mr. Nash from the Secretarial Office, that the Municipal Councils have refused to grant permission to the Art Picture Company which is represented by Mr. Tenney. We are very anxious to know if the same resolution has been passed in regard to their Company.

Letter from Acting Commissioner of Public Works Department to Illuminated Advertisement Company. Shanghai, June 17, 1929. Source: SMA (SMC) 3257 (2183)

Further to my letter of the 4th instant, I beg to inform you that the Council has carefully considered the question of the erection of illuminated bus stop signs and is unwilling to accord permission for the introduction of the type of pillar proposed on the grounds of the aggravation of the existing congestion on the public footways which would ensue. The Council has also decided that it would be willing to consider an application for a smaller pillar, the vase of which would occupy a considerably lesser area than the 1' 6,5" &  1' 6,5" proposed, or alternatively, a device which could be affixed around existing street standards. 

Letter from Illuminated Advertisement Company to Public Works Department - submitting revised proposals of smaller pillars. Shanghai, June 20, 1929. Source: SMA (SMC) 3257 (2184-2185). 

We acknowledge receipt of your letter dated 17th inst. The contents of which is carefully noted. 

As the Council is willing to consider our application for a smaller pillar, we beg to propose to erect at all Bus stops throughout the International Settlement and in cooperation with the China General Omnibus Company, which could be affixed around existing street standards, hollow glass and iron framed pillars ten feet and three inches high over all by 10" square including the base. There should be concrete base embeded in the ground about 10" below he surface and extending above the ground level about 6" to act as skick place. The corner will be of 1" x 1" angle iron which will be specially trated by a new process and given a cost of metalic copper and then an overcoat of pure metalic aluminum to prevent corrosion. Two of these corner posts will be embeded in the concrete base and will be rigid, these will be diagonally opposite to each other, while the other two corners will be movable to permit the insertion of the glass plates which compose the four sides of the posts. The top of the post which will be of metal will be pointed, triangular in shape, will be surmonted by a hollow glazed white ball which will be illuminated as will also the interior of the post.

By this method of construction the frame work will be sufficiently rigid to stand a good heavy strain and will not require inside diagonal braces, thus leaving the interior clear from top to bottom. 

These pillars will be illuminated at night to enable the public to readily see the Bus stops and should it be desired we are prepared to give the S.M.C. Traffic Department any space necessary for the display of danger or other traffice signs as required free of charge. 

We consider that this new style pillar will be a public benefit and an addition to the streets of Shanghai as they will be of pleasing appareance by day, and at night the white glazed ball on the top of each pillar will add to the street illumination wherever one is located. 

Trusting that this proposal of a smaller pillar will meet your approval, and awaiting your kind reply.  

Letter from Acting Commissioner of Public Works to Illuminated Advertisement Company  "ILLUMINATED BUS TOP SIGNS" - requesting that a sketch be submitted. Shanghai, June 22, 1929. Source: SMA (SMC) 3257 (2187).

With reference to your letter of June 20th, I find some difficulty in understanding what is intended and shall be obliged if you will kindly let me have a sketch embodying your proposals

Letter from Illuminated Advertisement Company to Public Works Department.  Shanghai, July 2, 1929. Source: SMA (SMC) 3257 (2188).

Referring to your letter dated June 22 1929, we beg to send you herewith a ketch embodying our proposals. The undersigned will be glad to call on you at your convenience, if necessary.  

Letter to Illuminated Advertisement Company from Acting Commissioner of Public Works  - "ILLUMINATED BUS TOP SIGNS". Shanghai, July 8, 1929. Source: SMA (SMC) 3257 (2190).

In reply to your letter of July 2nd enclosing a print showing your revised proposals for bus stop signs, I regret to have to inform you that this standard does not meet with the requirements of the Council  

Letter from Acting Commissioner of Public Works to Art Picture Advertising Company to Public Works Department - "REF: YOUR LETTER NO. H-87/438 dated 24/8/29". Shanghai, August 24, 1929. Source: SMA (SMC) 3257 (2191).

Further to the Secretary's letter dated the 13th June, I am enclsoing herewith the permit for the removal of the illuminated bus stop pillar situated on The Bund, north of Peking Road. I shall be obliged if you will effect the removal as soon as possible and notify this department accordingly, so as to enable the reinstatement to be undertaken.  

Letter from Art Picture Advertising Company to Public Works Department - "REF: YOUR LETTER NO. H-87/438 dated 24/8/29".  Shanghai, September 4, 1929. Source: SMA (SMC) 3257 (2192).

With reference to your above letter, we would ask you to kindly etend the permit for the removal of the illuminated bus stop pillar situated on the Bund, in view of the fact that the Shanghai Power Co have not as yet removed the meter, although we made application for the removal of same, on the 27th ult. 

Letter from Acting Commissioner of Public Works to Art Picture Advertising Company . "Bus Stop Pillar - The Bund." Shanghai, September 6, 1929. Source: SMA (SMC) 3257 (2194).

In reply to your letter of the 4th instant, I beg to inform you that arrangements have been made with Messrs. The Shanghai Power Company to have the meter removed to-day. A new permit for the removal of the above mentioned pillar is enclosed herewith. 

Letter from Art Picture Advertising Company to Public Works Department -- "REF: YOUR LETTER NO. H-87/438 dated 6/9/29" - requesting that the necessary arrangements be made with the Shanghai Power Co.  Shanghai, September 7, 1929. Source: SMA (SMC) 3257 (2195).

We would thank you to attend toe the removal of Bus Stop Pillar on the Bund, and to have same transported to Messrs. Way Cheong & Co. Ltd. 24 East Yuhang road. In view of the fact that the work will have to be carried out in conjunction with the Shanghai Power Co, owing to the presence of underground cables, we would thank you to carry out the ncessary work in this connection.  

Letter from Acting Commissioner of Public Works to  Art Picture Advertising Company "Removal of Bus Stop Pillar on The Bund". Shanghai, September 12, 1929. Source: SMA (SMC) 3257 (2197).

In reply to your letter of the 7th instant, I beg to inform you that the estimated cost of removing the above mentioned but stop pillar and trnasporting same to No. 24, East Yuhang Road is Tls. 10.00 and that on receipt of a cheque for this amount the work will be proceeded with. This estimate does not include any work by the Shanghai Power Company. 

Reply from  Art Picture Advertising Company to Public Works Department -- "REF: YOUR LETTER NO. H-87/438 dated 6/9/29" - requesting that the necessary arrangements be made with the Shanghai Power Co. Shanghai, September 14, 1929. Source: SMA (SMC) 3257 (2199).

In reply to your letter of the 12th instant, please find enclosed


The company emphasized the artistic design of the pillars and the public benefit they would render: "The pillars will have a uniform pleasing appearance, being aluminium covered, while the glass panels will contain photographic transparent positives, hand colored to suit the subject advertised; "We consider that this new style pillar will be a public benefit and an addition to the streets of Shanghai as they will be of pleasing appearance by day, and at night the white glazed ball on the top of each pillar will add to the street illumination wherever one is located.

The Police Department emphasizes the risk of traffic obstruction and potential accidents

Keywordsaesthetics ; artistic ; omnibus ; International Settlement ; Police ; Public Works ; traffic ; foreign settlement ; materials ; illuminated ; night ; time ; public service ; safety ; photography ; color ; experiment ; report ; competition ; lawyer ; French Concession ; circul
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