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NameAdvertising on Ricshas Pullers' Coats. Applications. J.B. Davies
TitleJ.B. Davies' application to advertise on rickshaw pullers' coats (approved)
AuthorDavies, J.B.; Commissioner of Police (Shanghai Municipal Council)
CollectionShanghai Municipal Archives (SMA)
Sub collectionShanghai Municipal Council (SMC)
Reference NumberU1-3-2992 (0719-0732)
Repository typeArchive

Advertising on Ricshas Pullers' Coats - Applications - J.B. Davies. 1928. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-2992 (0719-0732).

Letter from J.B. Davies to Secretary. Shanghai, November 21, 1928. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-2992 (0719-0720).

A client of mine wishes to organize a company for the purpose of selling advertising space upon the clothing or ricsha coolies in the International Settlement of Shanghai. It is proposed to provide all licensed ricksha coolies with jackets of a uniform and distinctive pattern, without expense to them, upon which will appear commercial advertisements of responsible firms. It is also intended to equip the ricksha coolies with suitable headgear for all seasons of the year. In the winter months pedded garments will be provided. 

It will entail the expenditure of a considerable sum of money to carry out the plan which my client has in mind, and before going into the matter further he wishes to ascertain if there is any objection on the part of the Municipal Council to the enterprise which he wishes to promote. He believes that his plan will work a very great benefit to the ricksha coolies themselves, as it will become a part of my client's duty to his customers to see that the coolies keep their clothing in good order at all times of the year. At the present time the ricsha coolies are very poorly provided for in the way of clothing, especially in the cold weather, and my client believes that is his plan is sucessful, a great deal of hardship on the part of the ricksha coolies will be obviated. 

If necessary, my client is prepared to submit a pattern of the garment with which he proposes to equip the coolies. I will thank you if you will take this matter up with the proper departments and let me know if there is any objection to the plan proposed. 

Report from Commissioner of Police to Secretary. "Your No. 4294/2 dated 22/11/28". Shanghai, November 24, 1928. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-2992 (0721). 

In view of the attitude taken by the French Authorities in the case of the Century Advertising Company, vide your No. 4294 dated 14/12/28; it seems useless to consider this matter further, unless applicant can get he French Authorities to reverse their previous decision.  

Extract from 1927 Report of Singapore Municipality. Singapore, 1927. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-2992 (0722). 

Attempts were made by one or two advertising firms to introduce a system of advertising by providing the pullers with free coats to the back of which the advertisement was attached. The pullers appreciated the coats immensely, but were extremely callous as to the fate of the advertisement, with the result that as an advertising medium, the experiment has not proved entirely successful.  

Memo to Traffic Committee. "Advertising on Public Ricshas". Shanghai, November 26, 1928. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-2992 (0723). 

Application by Mr. J.B. Davies for permission for advertising matter to be carried on ricsh pullers's coats; with Police report and relative file.
The history of the subject is, briefly, as follows: Prior to 1928, advertising on rickshaw was prohibited, principally on aesthetic grounds. Recently, the Council authorized such advertising, upon the Committee's recommendation, the Police not being definitely adverse, since they felt that permission having been granted for advertisements to be displayed by buses it was but "logical" that similar permission be accorded to ricshas. It may here be interposed that the Secretariat questioned that "logic"and expressed itself as opposed. Following upon the authorization of such advertising in this Settlement, it was learned that the French Council had refused such permission; thereupon, as a measure of reciprocity, the Council made its authorization conditional upon the party concerned obtaining similar authority from the French Council. The condition proved prohibitive. 

Since the matter is one which involves the French area, members may perhaps be disposed, prior to recording any decision, to seek the views of the French Council on the present application. If they will so indicate in the "approval" column, action will be taken accordingly.  
Letter from S.M.C. Secretary to French Municipal Administration. Shanghai, November 30, 1928. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-2992 (0724).  

I have the honour to send you herewith copy of an application addressed to the Council by Mr. J.B. Davies, for permission for advertising matter to be carried on the coats of ricsha pullers operating vehicles in this Settlement. 
Since public ricshas may be licensed to ply in both Administration areas, I have the honour to request an expression of the views of your Administration upon this application.  

Letter from S.M.C. Secretary to J.B. Davies. Shanghai, December 10, 1928. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-2992 (0726). 

I am directed to acknowledge receipt of your letter of November 22, applying for permission for advertising matter to be carried on ricsha pullers' coats. 
In reply, I am directed to inform you that the matter is receiving consideration and that a further communication on the subject will be addressed to you in due course.  

Translation of letter from French Municipal Administration dated December 12, 1928. Shanghai, December 12, 1928. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-2992 (0727).  

We have the honour to acknowledge receipt of your letter of November 30 on the subject of an application to your Administration to permit advertising on ricsha coolies jackets. 

In reply, we would inform you that our Administration have received a similar application and that the Municipality have decided to accord its approval in principale to this proposal. However, the Municipality will later decided the amount of the fee to be levied for this form of advertising.  

Original Letter (in French) from French Municipal Administration. "Publicité sur les vestes de rickshaws coolies. Shanghai, December 12, 1928. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-2992 (0728). 

Nous avons l'honneur d'accuser réception de votre lettre du 30 Novembre (1928) relative à une demande dont votre Administration a été saisie au sujet d'un mode de publicité sur les vestes de rickshaws coolies. 

En réponse, nous vous faisons connaître que notre Adminsitration a reçu une demande semblable et que la Commission Municipale a décidé de donner son accord de principe à cette proposition. 

Toutefois la Commission se réserve le droit d'examiner par la suite le montatnt de la taxe qui pourrait être imposé pour la réclame.  

Memo to Traffic Committee. "Advertising on Public Ricshas". Shanghai, December 14, 1928. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-2992 (0729). 

Pursuant to the circular of November 25, the views of the French Council on this subject have now been received wherefrom members will not that they approvce in principle the proposal for advertising matter to be carried on ricsha coolies' coats. 

Accordingly, the matter is referred back to members for their decision upon the application of Mr. J.B. Davies. If members are also in favour of the proposal "in principle", the Police will be requested to report, for members' consideration, as to the conditions which they consider should govern this form of advertising. Further possibility of obtaining revenue from this source, which appears to be contemplated by the French Municipality, will be investigated.  

Letter from S.M.C. Secretary to Commissioner of Police. Shanghai, December 19, 1928. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-2992 (0730). 

With reference to the letter of Mr. J.B. Davies and that of the French Municipal Administration, on the above subject, the Council has approved, in principle, the granting of permission for advertising on the costs of public ricshapullers. Prior, however, to formal permission being accorded to Mr. Davis, members desire that you will report for ther consideration as to the conditions which you propose for the control of this form of advertising. Further, having regard to the nference to be gathered from the final paragraph of the letter from the French Municipal Administration it is desired that you will report as to the feasibility of taxing this form of advertising.  

Report from Commissioner of Police to Secretary. Shanghai, December 22, 1928. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-2992 (0731). 

I recommend that to control this form of advertising the conditions laid down in your letter of March 23 last to Mr. Yun-Chin Linn be imposed. I think is desirable that this form of advertising should be taxed and would suggest that a charg of $0.10 per cent per annum would be fair and équitable. This would presumably be collected from Mr. Davies' clients.  

Report from Commisisoner of Revenue to Secretary. "Advertising on Ricsha Puller's Coats - Report dated December 22 by the Commissioner of Police". Shanghai, December 26, 1928. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-2992 (0732). 

I agree with the Commissioner of Police that this form of advertising should be taxed, but I consider the suggested fee is too low and recommand $0.50 per coat per annum. 


Note that "Prior to 1928, advertising on rickshaw was prohibited, principally on aesthetic grounds" 

Keywordsaesthetics ; artistic ; rickshaw ; weather ; social welfare ; coolie ; season ; weather ; discipline ; clothing ; International Settlement ; French Concession ; circulation ; translation ; reciprocity ; foreign settlement ; experiment ; memorandum ; mobile advertising ; bus
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