Advertising Hoardings - Carl Crow Incorporated. Western District 8, South of Cadastral Lot 2610, Bubbling Well Road. 1922. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3253 (1517-1523).
Letter from Carl Crow to Secretary - applying for permission to replace a bamboo fence in front of St George Hotel (Bubbling Well Road) with a series of advertising boards. Shanghai, June 12, 1922. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3253 (1517).
We have leased the fence in front of St. George's Hotel, Bubbling Well Road and propose to replace the present bamboo fence with a series of advertising boards. Before going ahead with the work we would like to nown the Council's view on the subject of tacation on advertising bulletins in this location.
We would like to point out that this fence is at present being used for advertising purposes and that the structure we propose to erect will improve the appearance of the neighborhood. Detailed blue print showing the type of structure are submitted herewith. The structure will be painted green, white and gold and will be illuminated at night. The advertising spaces will be covered with large posters from America and England, some which are produced by leading American and British artists. We would not used this location for any other type of advertising and we are prepared to go such lengths to make the structure attractive and artistic that we do not believe there can possibly be any objection to it on the ground of civic beauty.
Report by Commissioner of Public Works to Secretary & Commissioner General. Proposed advertising Hoarding. South of Cadastrial Lot 2610, Bubbling Well Road. Letter and Plan from Messrs. Carl Crow, Inc, dated 12/6/22. Shanghai, June 17, 1922. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3253 (1521).
Proposed advertising Hoarding. South of Cadastrial Lot 2610, Bubbling Well Road. Letter and Plan from Messrs. Carl Crow, Inc, dated 12/6/22.
There would be no objection from this Department to the erection of the proposed hoarding so long as the exit doors from the St. George's open air cinema fround are not interfered with. I think that the proposed structure should be a distinct improvement upon the ordinary hoardings which are now being used. Regarding the special advertisement fee, I suggest this be referred to the Commissioner of Revenue .
Letter from Assistant Secretary to Carl Crow. Shanghai, July 4, 1922. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3253 (1522).
I am directed to akcnowledge receipt of your letter of June 12, in which you apply for permission to replace the present bamboo fence in front of St George's Hotel, Bubbling Well Road which you have leased, by a series of advertising boards, and in reply to state that the Council has no objection to your proposal provided that the advertisements displayed are no objectionable or unsightly, and that the Council reserves to itself the right to order the removal of the advertisements at any time should it be deemed necessary and that the annual advertisement rate would be 0.50 per square foot.
Should you with to proceed with your suggestions I am to state for your information that the usual permit would be required for the construction of the boards; further information on this points can be obtained from the Public Works Department.