1079 documents
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NameErection of Advertising Pillars at Omnibus Stopping Places (Modern Publicity Company)
TitlePiliers publicitaires aux arrêts d'omnibus. Modern Publicity Company
AuthorModern Publicity Company
CollectionShanghai Municipal Archives
Sub collectionShanghai Municipal Council
Reference NumberSMA (SMC), U1-3-3381 (0283-0311). 
Repository typeArchive

Modern Publicity Company applying for 5 year franchise for the erection of illuminated advertising pillars in the form bus stop indicators in less congested areas. Shanghai, June 3, 1932. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-3381 (0283-0284).

We are submitting herewith an application for a five-year franchise with option of renewal to erect illuminated advertising posts in the form of bus stop indicators to replace the existing stops which are generally recognized as being ineffectual, particularly after sundown. 

We are familiar with the several difficulties with which the Council is presented in granting this franchise and we are also fully cognisant with the fact that numerous similar applications have been declined. However, there are certain features contained in the present application which are absent from those to which we refer. We are of the opinion that with the embodiement of these, somewhat, different proposals the Council will show a willingness to grant the required franchise. It is not the intention of the Company to erect these posts in the congested streets preferring to select the bus stops which are less frequently used. 

We understand that previously, the Council has objected to the erection of these posts on account of the space occupied by the base of the structure. This difficulty has been largely overcome by re-designing the post which now possesses a small base compared with former designs submitted, as shown by the blue print. 

Particular care has been taken not to offend the eye of the aesthetic portion of the Shanghai population and visitors, and we believe that hte posts, as now designed, will not only be of considerable public utility but will brighten the appearance of the city. 

We understand that the Council is satisfied with the public utility of the posts and we need hardly point out that, if erected, they wil not only serve a useful purpose in displaying advertisements but will also be a public benefit by providing the means of warning pedestrians of the danger of crossing the roads other than at properly sections, etc. 

(p.2/2) We admit that is it possible, that at the commencement, a little congestion may be caused by persons congregating to view the advertisements on display, but in regard to this, we suggest that this would be a novelty which would soon disappear. 

The erection of the posts and making the necessary light connections may also cause minor obstruction and in this connection we would propose a condition of franchise be that the work must be carried out at night. 

In placing this letter before the Council we would ask you to state that we are willing to erect a sample post for inspection. / The relative blue prints and drawings will be delivered personnly by the writer immediately upon completion which will probably be before the end of this week.  
Modern Publicity Company to Secretary forwarding drawings of proposed illuminated pillars, and giving suggestions regarding size. Shanghai, June 29, 1932. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-3381 (0286). 

Acting Commissioner of Public Works to Secretary reporting that he is not in favour of granting required permission. Shanghai, July 1, 1932. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-3381 (0287). 

Commissioner of Police to Secretary recommending that Modern Publicity Company's application be refused. Shanghai, July 2, 1932. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-3381 (0288).

Secretary to Modern Publicity Company's informing them permission cannot be granted: giving Council's reasons. Shanghai, July 12, 1932. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-3381 (0289). 

Modern Publicity Company to Secretary submitting further drawings of improved design for illuminated pillars. Shanghai, September 22, 1932. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-3381 (0290). 

Commissioner of Public Works to Secretary recommending that Modern Publicity Company's further application be refused. Shanghai, September 24, 1932. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-3381 (0291).

Commissioner of Police to Secretary recommending that Modern Publicity Company's further application be refused. Shanghai, September 28, 1932. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-3381 (0292). 

Memorandum by Mr. Browne to Secretary pointing out that Council intimated they would consider applications for maller pillars, which condition is now fulfilled, with Secretary's comments. Shanghai, September 30, 1932. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-3381 (0293). 

Circular to Traffic Committee with remarks on application by Modern Publicity Company for permission instal illuminated bus stop indicators. Members' comments. Secretary's note (hand-written) that opinion of Bus Company be asked and comments from Departments re-erection in outside districts. Shanghai, October 6, 1932. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-3381 (0294-0295). 

Modern Publicity Company to Secretary asking if further drawing of bus stop indicators meet with Council's approaval. Shanghai, October 14, 1932. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-3381 (0296). 

Secretary to Commissioner of Police asking for comments on Modern Publicity Company's suggestion to erect indicators outside Central District. Shanghai, October 7, 1932. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-3381 (0297).

Deputy Secretary to Acting Commissioner of Public Works - "Illuminated Bus Stop Indicators". Shanghai, October 15, 1932. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-3381 (0298). Source: SMA (SMC) U1-14-3257 (2226) 

Secretary to China General Omnibus Company asking if they desire bus indicators of suitable design in localities as Council may approve. Shanghai, October 15, 1932. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-3381 (0299). Source: SMA (SMC) U1-14-3257 (2224-0225) 

Commissioner of Public Works to Secretary recommending that proposal should not receive Council's approval: enumerating disadvantages. Shanghai, October 20, 1932. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-3381 (0304).   

Commissioner of Police to Secretary reporting that he is of opinion that all public roadways should be kept clear of all advertising devices. Shanghai, October 20, 1932. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-3381 (0302-0303). 

China General Omnibus Company to Secretary stating theyr have taken steps to obtain plans of bus-stop pillars as used in London and will submit same, on arrival, to Council. Shanghai, October 31, 1932. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-3381 (0305).  

Secretary's Memorandum to Traffic Committee on Bus Stop Indicators. Shanghai, November 4, 1932. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-3381 (0306).  

Traffic Committee Minutes. Recommendation that Company be notified that approval of any type of bus stop indicator will not be forthcoming. Shanghai, November 25, 1932. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-3381 (0307). 

Deputy Secretary to China General Omnibus Company, Limited, informing them Council is unwilling to sanction erection of any tye of bus stop indicator on public roadways or footways.  

Secretary to Modern Publicity Company informing them Council has decided not to allow any type of bus stop indicators on public footways or roadways. Shanghai, December 5, 1932. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-3381 (0309). Shanghai, December 2, 1932. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-3381 (0308).

China General Omnibus Company to Secretary acknowledging receipt of the letter No. 4784/2 of December 2. Shanghai, December 7, 1932. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-3381 (0310).

S.M.C. Press Information Office - Traffic Matters Before the Council - Avoidance of Unncessary Poles Upon Footpaths. Shanghai, December 16, 1932. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-3381 (0311).

Keywordstransportation ; police ; traffic ; International Settlement ; circulation ; safety ;
930/1079 results        
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