人丹 龍虎公司發行 惟一無二之活寳 家居不可不備 旅行不可不備 救急之大王 濟世之寳物 主效 時疫 痧氣 嘔吐 水瀉 中寒 中暑 赤痢 白痢 腹痛 腹脹 溜飲 積痞 眩暈食傷 船暈 車暈 胃痛 胃呆 瘴氣 頭痛 腦脹 氣鬱 痰咳 口臭 惟此人丹實殊他藥有救危出險之奇功操起死回生之偉力平時吞服穢毒蠲除各䖏流行疫氛掃盡嗅其味則芬芳可愛洵足清心收其效則迅速如神實非誇口隨身備帶何妨一刻莫離信口而嘗果属四時適用是真懷中之至寳而亦世上之奇方也至祈 兹善家衞生家注意 上海三馬路西市龍虎公司謹啟閏六月初一發行 價目(購中包一包者送樣包十二包)(購小包一包送樣包六包) 價目中壹角小伍分大(續出)() 各埠大藥房均有出售
Un-Chinese, Western images such as an orchestra that featured brass horns and a bass drum (known in Chinese as foreign instruments, yanghao and yanggu)
No effort to differentiate his product from Japanese-made Humane Elixir, no mention of his product's Chinese origins, and no appeal to his Chinese customers' patriotism. In fact (following the example of Huang's Ailuo Brain Tonic) (Cochran, in Yeh, 2000: 69)
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