Statistics of Sino-Japanese Trade
T.Y. Tsha, Z.L. Chen and Others
The Sino-Japanese Trade Research Institute
The Chinese Econmic Society
The present publicaiton based uon the materials gathered from the Customs reports and the statistics published by the Department of Finance, Japan, Consists of a comparative study of China's foreign trade with its recent developments, a detailed treatment of the method of classificaiton and the principal commodity imports and exports, the influence of the Mancurian Affair upon the Sino-Japanese trade, the index numbers of seasonal fluctuations, and other subjects. A set of tables, illustrated by charts, is included to present the figures in full. At the beginning of the book, a review of the outsdating facts is given in the synospsis, which might be helpbul to those who do not have the time to go over the whole book.
Part I
- Synopsis.
- China's Foreign Trade. General Remarks - Classification of Commodities
- Sino-Japanese Trade. An Outline - Classification of Commodities Imported from Japan - Classification of COmmodities Exported to Japan - Analysis of Principal Imports from Japan - Analysis of Principal Exports to Japan - The Manchurian Affair and Sino-Japanese Trade
- Japan's Foreign Trade and Her Trade With China. General Remarks - Japan's Trade with China
Part II
- Charts
- Tables
- Explanatory Remarks on Charts and Tables
xvi, 332 pages, including 30 charts and 41 tables
Price : Mex $12.00
Special Price: $9.00
Postage: China Mex. $0.15
Foreign Countries Mex. $1.80
Chung Hwa Book Co., Limited
Shanghai, China