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Full referenceDittmer, C.G., An Estimate of the Standard of Living in China (1918)
TypeJournal article
Author(s)Dittmer, C.G.
TitleAn Estimate of the Standard of Living in China
JournalThe Quarterly Journal of Economics
Start page107
End page128
Date publication1918
Keywordsstandard of living; social survey; Beijing; comparison;


I. Purpose: bearing on other investigations and an example of real economic pressure, 107

II. Source of data: investigations made at Tsing Hua College, Peking, China, 108.

III. Limitations: an intensive survey of one district and not necessarily typical of the whole country, 110

IV. Classes represented: Chinese and Manchu villagers, 112.

V. Tables: five tables classifying incomes, average amount expended for various purposes, per cent expended for various purposes, and sundry other items by expenditure groups, 113

VI. Analysis of tables, 119.

VII. General conclusions, 122.

VIII. Comparison with other investigations: Engel, Mrs. More, Chapin, and the United States Bureau of Labor,123.

IX. How it is done: the maintenance of a starvation standard, 124.

X. The cost, 127.

Figure I: a comparison of the extremes of variation in the percentage of expenditure for various purposes between the highest and the lowest income groups in five well known investigations, 123.

Figure II: a comparison of the percentage and average expenditure of 195 Chinese and Manchu families, 126.

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