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Full referenceConsumer's League of Shanghai, Inauguration of the Consumer's League of Shanghai (1932)
TypeJournal article
Author(s)Consumer's League of Shanghai
TitleInauguration of the Consumer's League of Shanghai
JournalChina Press
Start page2
Keywordsconsumer; association; price; Shanghai; service;

We Beg to Announce the Inauguration of the

Consumers' League of Shanghai

Room 509, 25 Jinkee Road, Shanghai. Telephone 10155

BUSINESS: The object of this League is to render service to its members by buying daily necessities directly from producers and manufacturers at wholesale prices and distributing them at current market price. Delivery by the producers will be arranged whenever possible. 

MEMBERS: The League has no shareholders. Anybody who buys from the League will automatically become its members and will share the dividend declared by the League. 

PROFITS: All profits to be derived from the difference between the wholesale price and the market price of commodities dealt with, except the portion for actual office expenses, belong to its members and will be divided and given to them according to the units they buy from the LEague in form of dividend which will be declared and paid quarterly. 

ACCOUNTS AND AUDITING: The accounts of the League will be audited and certified by Messrs. Lowe, Bingham and Matthews and published quaterly. 

METHOD OF BUYING: Payment must be in cash, or cheques to order of the League. Any buyer who desires the convenience of placing orders through telephone are required to pay a minimum deposit of $30.00 or equivalent to the monthly order of the buyer. When making telephone orders please use telephone 10155 or 16675-9. 

COMMODITIES: The League will deal in coal at first and other commodities when ready. 

PROMOTERS: Mr. Singloh Hsu, Mr. Russell Y. Sun, Mr. Chang Chung Bing, Mr. C. Ku, Mr. Wang Tse Ming, Mr. H.K. Kwaan

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