North China Herald and Supreme Court & Consular Gazette, August 20, 1921, p.546
- Pays a (new?) special attention to consumers' buying habits, viewd as a barometer of the general economic situation. Recommends to study closely the retail trade especially in time of depression and workers' strikes.
- Inquiry based on the empiral observations made by three managers of large retail establishments in Shanghai (not specified)
- Distinction between different groups of buyers, according to their nationalitiy (principally foreign and particularly Russian, Americans, Japanese), status (permanent/temporary or recent immigrant), or sex (especially women)
- Tendency to personify Shanghai or reify Shanghai consumers, but anxious to define what is meant by "Shanghai", namely: "the permanents residents". Assumes a sense of community.
- Acknowledges the difficulties to compare the current situation of depression with ordinary times of prosperity)
- Problematic categorization of products: cosmetics and other "luxuries" such as face powder and perfume are categorized as "essentials" (daily use commodities?)