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Full referenceThe cost of life in Shanghai (1921)
TypeJournal article
TitleThe cost of life in Shanghai
JournalNorth China Herald and Supreme Court & Consular Gazette
Start page196
Keywordsconsumer; buying power; cost of living; retailing; price; Shanghai; cost of living; fact; opinion; inquiry; department store; Chinese; foreign; competition; figure; packing; shipping; wage; quality; luxury; classification; necessity; commodity; food;

The cost of life in Shanghai. Are Stores Profiteering? Some Facts to Remember: How Prices are Calculated

"But of lament over the increasing cost of living there is no end. The letters we have recently published are only an index of talk that is heard in every circle; and if the cause of expense of living is not always correctly gauged, of the fact there can be no doubt."

"Having taken no part hitherto in the controversy, we have now made some independent inquiries, referring to the manager of one of the principal department stores here. The prices in all the chief stores here are so nearly on a level that one is a sufficient guide to all. At the outset it may be noted that non of the big stores has much inducement to overcharge as ther are Chinese competitors nowadays always look-out to undersell them. The manager we went to was perfectly frank and showed all figures that could in any way influence local prices." 

The Laid Down Cost

Some Telling Comparisons

The Marketman's Imposition


North China Herald and Supreme Court & Consular Gazette, April 16, 1921, p.196

  • Claim to make independent inquiries, referring to the manager of one of the principal department stores (implicitely foreign). Assumes that competition is an incitation for lowering prices. 
  • Calls for the creation of a consumers' league and a consumers' strike (like in Great Britain)
  • Notion of "market men" (retailers?)
  • Observe and try to explain the time lag between the rising prices of luxuries and that of necessities: 
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