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Full referenceChina as a consumer (1920)
TypeJournal article
TitleChina as a consumer
JournalMillard Review of the Far East
Start page264
Keywordsconsumer; consortium; political economy; business class; elite; people; public; Chinese; cooperation; nation; loan;

'If industries in China are developed, it would be increased in a corresponding ratio. She would be a self protecting nation and the peace of the world would be better secured.'" (...) We as merchants do not favor the loans to be used for purposes other than that for the developent of industries which will be beneficial to the Chinese public and not to the individual few. (...) to co-operate with the Chinese public, particularly the business class."


Millard Review of the Far East, April 10, 1920, p.264

  • Notions of Chinese public, Chinese people, but apparently restricted to Chinese business men? 
  • China (nation) as a consumer (reification/personification)
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