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Full referencePatterson, Don D., China's Silk Industry and the American market (1920)
TypeJournal article
Author(s)Patterson, Don D.
TitleChina's Silk Industry and the American market
JournalMillard Review of the Far East
Start page268
Keywordssilk; commission; standard; quality; chop; trademark; export; United States; history; Marco Polo; market; consumer; Shanghai; Hangzhou; visit; Japan; competition; circulation; expert; training; consumer;

Millard Review of the Far East, April 10, 1920, p.268


  • Patterson, Don D. (journalist? silk expert?)
  • Silk Association of America (commission)
  • Cheney, Charles (president of the Silk Association, head of the commission)
  • Cheney Brothers (silk manufacturers, head of the commission)
  • Stehli, Emil J. (Stehli Silks Corporation, member of the commission)
  • Post, George A. (Post and Sheldon, member of the commission)
  • Dunlop, John D. (John Dunlop's Sons, member of the commission)
  • Cheney, Williams (Cheney Brothers, member of the commission)
  • Peugnet, Ramsay (secretary-treasurer of the Silk Association, member of the commission)
  • Douty, Daniel E. (general manager of the U.S. Conditioning and Testing Company, representative of the largest silk manufacturers of the United states, and the largest buyers of the raw silk products of the Far East)
  • International Committee of Sericulture (schools in Shanghai, Nanjing and in other cities in the producing areas)
  • Shen, Lien-fong (vice-charman of the Shanghai Chinese General Chamber of Commerce, president of the Cocoon Guild)
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