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Full referenceType-Setting in Chinese. Some Misconceptions of the Black Art Corrected and Explained (1925)
TypeJournal article
TitleType-Setting in Chinese. Some Misconceptions of the Black Art Corrected and Explained
JournalNorth China Herald and Supreme Court & Consular Gazette
Start page255
End page256
Keywordsexpert; press; newspaper; linotype; typewriting; language; Chinese; Japanese

Review of the book The Development of Japanese journalism by Kanesada Nanazono. Observes the remarkable circulations figures of Japanese newspaper and the comparatively low rate of illetaracy in Japan (only 2%). Yet as the Japanese language is unifitted to modern methods of typewriting in the modern press. Therefore, European and American readers cannot read Japanese newspapers and this might hamper Japan's current position as a great power amongst the nations of the world. Compared various models of typewriting machines produced by the Linotype Company, describing what they can do. Examines the case of Chinese language, arguing that the slow development of Chinese typewriters is less a technical issue, but rather due to the political instability in China and the high costs it would entail. 


North China Herald and Supreme Court & Consular Gazette, May 9, 1925, p.255-256

NB presents non-alphabetic languages such as Japanese and Chinese as "problematic languages" (assuming that English and alphabetical languages set the standard)


  • Kanesada Nanazono, author of The Development of Japanese journalism
  • Linotype Company
  • Murayama (Manager of the "Asahi" Company, Osaka, Tokyo)
  • Peking Gazette (est. 1351)
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