897 documents
645/897 results        
Full referenceBureau of Foreign Trade. Bureau of Industrial and Commercial Information. Ministry of Industry, Chinese Economic Journal 中國經濟月刊 (zhongguo jingji yuekan) (1934)
TypeJournal article
Author(s)Bureau of Foreign Trade. Bureau of Industrial and Commercial Information. Ministry of Industry
TitleChinese Economic Journal 中國經濟月刊 (zhongguo jingji yuekan)
Start page579
End page685
Date publication1934
Keywordsjournal; economic; bureau; foreign trade; advertisement; Shanghai; Beijing;

Vol. XV, no.6 - December 1934


  • Notive of Removal. The offices of the Bureau of Foreign Trade have been removed from the Customs Building to the Bank of China Building (fourth floor), 1040 North Soochow Road, Shanghai. The telephone number is now 46396. 
  • "The Yearly Returns of the Foreign and Interport Trade of the Canton Custom House" - Cheong Fat Co.
  • Thomas Chu & Sons, Service Printers (Printer of this magazine)
  • China's Foreign Trade for the First Half-year, 1933 (Bureau of Foreign Trade)
  • Wah Foong Company (Printers, Type Founders and Dealers in Printers' Supplies
  • China Industrial Handbooks - Kiangsu (Bureau of Foreign Trade) 


  • China's Trade with British Malaya - Ho Ping-Yin (Director, Bureau of Foreign Trade) - 579 
  • Shanghai's New Fish Market - K.C. Lin - 599 
  • Industrial Development in Szechuen - By K. Wan 609
  • China's Foreign Trade for the First Half-year, 1934 (Report busmitted to Minister of Industry) (Concluded from last issue) - Ho Ping-Yin (Director, Bureau of Foreign Trade) - 621
  • State Plans for Industrial Development (Continued) - 661
  • Monthly Abstracts of China's Foreign Trade, September, 1934 - 674


  • South China Daily News 



Chinese Economic Journal 實業部工商訪問局 中國經濟月刊 (shiyebu gongshang fangwenju zhongguo jingji yuekan)

Published by the Bureau of Foreign Trade, Ministry of Industry, National Government of the Republic of China. Address: 4th Floor of Customs Building, Hankow Road, Shanghai. 

Published by the Bureau of Industrial and Commercial Information. Ministry of Industries. Customs Building, Shanghai. 

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