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Full referenceAmerican Chamber of Commerce, Tiffin in honor of Chinese and American Students to enter Institutions of Higher Learning (1937)
Author(s)American Chamber of Commerce
TitleTiffin in honor of Chinese and American Students to enter Institutions of Higher Learning
Year of publication1937
Keywordstiffin; social event; student; education; United States; China; Shanghai; university; program; menu; guest; ; elite; club; chamber of commerce; association;

Tiffin in honor of Chinese and American students to enter the Institutions of Higher learning in the United States, given by the American association of C.P. University women, American University club and American chamber of commerce. May 21, 1937.

Includes list of speakers and respondents, reception officers, guests of honor, students guests of honor, arranged by Chinese universities or institutions in China, with their Chinese and westernized names and hosting institutions in the United States. 


Source: Hoover Archives, Julean Arnold Papers (1905-1945), Box 8, Scrapbook

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