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Full referenceRotary Club of Shanghai, China, The Pagoda (1950)
TypeJournal article
Author(s)Rotary Club of Shanghai, China
TitleThe Pagoda
Place of publicationShanghai 上海
PublisherRotary Club of Shanghai
CollectionHoover Archives, Alonzo Bland Calder Papers (1911-1956), Box 1
Start page1
End page4
Number of Pages178
KeywordsRotary ; club ; Shanghai ; elite ; service ; network ; transnational ; editor ; journal ;

The Pagoda was the official organ of the Rotary Club of Shanghai, founded in 1919. The sample contains two issues: August 2 and August 9 1950. At that time The Pagoda was a four-page weekly publication. The first page features the list of officers (for the year 1950-1). The journal publishes recent news about the club, its members and activies, and more substantial articles that provided in-depth analysis or opinion on current issues of interest. Its also contains regular sections such as "Rotary snapshots" and the Secretary letters. 

The original source comes from the Hoover Institution Archives, Allman Papers, Box 18. 

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