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Full referenceRotary Club of Peking, China, Roster of Members, Officers, Committees. July 1937. No. 1814 (1937)
TypeJournal article
Author(s)Rotary Club of Peking, China
TitleRoster of Members, Officers, Committees. July 1937. No. 1814
Place of publicationBeijing
PublisherRotary Club of Peking
CollectionHoover Archives, Arnold Papers (1905-1945), Box 8, folder 1
Number of Pages18
Date publication1937
KeywordsRotary ; club ; Beijing ; elite ; service ; network ; transnational ; editor ; roster; directory ; profit; meeting; event; membership;

The Roster is an alphabetical list of members with their English and Chinese names, birthday (month of birth), position, organization, home address, and classification (service they belonged to according to the official Rotarian classification). 

The introduction also contains a list of current officers and committees (for 1937-8) past presidents and founding and honorary members (4). It also mentions that the meetings of the club takes place every thursday at 12:45 p.m. at the Grand Hotel des Wagons-Lits in Beijing. 


Note that while the motto of he Rotary International ("Service Above Self") placed the emphasis on general service rather than individual interests, that of the Peking Rotary ("He Profits Most Who Serves Best") placed individual profits over general interest and the ethics of service.

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