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Full referenceLocal Company Installs System. Light and Power Lines At Luna Park are Spectacular (1931)
TypeJournal article
TitleLocal Company Installs System. Light and Power Lines At Luna Park are Spectacular
JournalChina Press
Date publication1931
Keywordsaesthetics; neon; city; light; Claude; gigantism; spectacle; entertainment; amusement park; summer; Shanghai; United States; cooperation; electric company;

Since taking on the electrical installation contract for Luna Park early in June, Andersen, Meyer & Co. has rushed forward to completion on of the largest wiring jobs, in point of actual ground area covered, that has been undertaken in Shanghai in many years. It is also one of the largest illuminated jobs which has ever been installed out-of-doors in the Far East. The work has been carried on by a force of forty competent electricians under the supervision of foreign construction engineers and has involved the installation of outlets for more than ten thousand incandescent electric lamps as well as the necessary wiring for the power supply to the Claude Neon Signs, and the supplying and installation of General Electric Motors for driving the different rides such as the "Caterpillar," etc. 

The installation of outlets for incandescent lamps scattered over the wide area of Luna Park has involved the use of some fifty thoursand feet of insulated wire in various sizes as well as the use of some fifteen thousand electrical wiring devices such as sockets, switches, etc. these figures alone will give a fair idea of the magnitude of the installation which has been carried forward within such a shotr length of time. 

Various colored lamps will be used to lend a decorative effect to the entire Park. In addition to the ordinary incandescent lamps, a number of spcial and decorative floodlighting effects have been arranged for, which will add greatly to the attractiveness of the completed pleasure resort. In all cases the ligting has been designed to harmonize and aid the general scheme of architecture and to produce a pleasure resort which should be second to none in the Far East. 


Published on July 23, 1931

Describes the new amusement park about to open in Shanghai, its specular features (hundred of lights, gigantic structures with eccentric devices and special floodlighting effects) and the cooperation between the three American companies involved in its construction (Claude Neon Lights, Fed. Inc., Andersen, Meyer & Co and General Electric Motors). 

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The China Press (1925-1938) [Shanghai] 23 July 1931-A1-Claude.pdf (26.94 ko)

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