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Full referenceNeon Signs to gleam at Luna. Use Attractive Lights to draw pleasure seeking crowds (1931)
TypeJournal article
TitleNeon Signs to gleam at Luna. Use Attractive Lights to draw pleasure seeking crowds
JournalChina Press
Date publication1931
Keywordsaesthetics; neon; city; light; Claude; spectacle; entertainment; amusement park; summer; Shanghai; Europe; visibility; flexibility; color; economy; materials; trademark; mass consumption;

Use Attractive Lights to draw pleasure seeking crowds

Since the invention of Neon lifht tubes by George Claude, French scientist and engineer, Neon tubes are fast becoming the most popular form of electrical advertising and illumination. 

Gas Utilized

Neon gas forms a part of the rare constituents of the air. When this gas is electrically excited an intense glow is formed. In order to utilise the gas for illumination and advertising purposes, glass tubing is made and bent to conform with any design desired, such as trade marks, special lettering, Chinese characters, and pictures, and in these tubes are concentrated, through excitation by electrical power, the intert Neon gas wich gives off an intense red glow or other color as may be required. Neon gas being inert, there is no possibility of explosion or fire. Should a tube be broken, no current can be past between the electrodes, hence there is no danger of chance of fire from the electrical current. 

High Visibility

One of the chief features of Neon lighting is its great penetration powers. It is the only light visible through dense fogs. This factor has resulted in its use in marking the aeroplane routes from London to Paris as well as the great landing field at Croydon, England. It is also used in Great Britain for lighthouse beacons to warn craft plying the fog laden English Channel. It has penetration, and yet has softness, and this combined with its economic operation have been the major factors in its success and popularity. Neon lighting provides the highest efficienty in practical electricity. 

Shanghai has Factory 

With the advent of Neon signs here, Shanghai has taken to them like wildfire, and of the many thousands of these signs in operation in this city, 1500 of these signs have been made by the Claude Neon factory in Shanghai, one of the most up to date Neon factories in the world. 

Many Signs at Luna 

To Claude Neon has been assigned all the Neon signs of Luna Park, amounting to thirty in all. These signs will greatly assist the decorative and illumination schemes of Shanghai's new playground. 


Published on July 23, 1931

Traces the history of neon lights since George Neon's invention, descrives their specific features (use of gas, glass tubing, flexibility of design, color, safety, high visibility, economical operation) - which altogether account for their success and popularity, and their dissemination throughout the world (London, Paris, Shanghai). Ends by reporting on the factory established in Shanghai and announcing the opening of Lunar Park - Claude Neon Lights first spectacular piece of work in Shanghai. 

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The China Press (1925-1938) [Shanghai] 23 July 1931-A1-Claude---.pdf (30.52 ko)

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