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Full referenceBritish Commerce and China. Appeal for Greater Enterprise: The Need of Encouraging Chinese Students (1921)
TypeJournal article
TitleBritish Commerce and China. Appeal for Greater Enterprise: The Need of Encouraging Chinese Students
JournalNorth China Herald
Date publication1921
KeywordsRotary; club; organization; transnational; network; elite; Shanghai; education; British; London; commerce; scholarship: Boxer indemnity; vocational; incentive; comparison; United States; England; diplomacy; interventionism; peace; colonization;

A strong appeal for British commerce to play a greater part in the development of China was made by Mr. Chao Hsin-cuh, Chinese Chargé d'Affaires, addressing the Rotary Club today. 

He said that no other country in the world except her Colonies suited Britain's purpose better than China, whose commercial door was wide open to the whole world, but particularly to Britain. 

He declared that China's greatest need at present was peace and justice and urged Britain to lend a helping hand whenever necessary, to ward off foreign interference which tended to damage the sovereignity and independence of China. He denied that internal troubles stood in the way of foreign trade or that foreign assistance was needed to solve China's internal troubles. 

He recommended that Britain should grant greater facilities to enable Chinese students to comte to Britain and pointed out that there were only 250 Chinese students in England as compared with 2,000 in America, and this was not because the Chinese preferred America to England educationally, but was due to America providing facilities and means. 

He drew attention to the support of Chinese sutdents in part, by America, by means of the indemnity fund which America returned to China and outlined American efforts, notably in welcoming Chinese students to learn pratical work in their factories and firms on the West coast, supporting Chinese sutdents while undergoing training and then despatching them home to China, to act as American agents. Thus America had won Chinese good feeling and had reaped untold benefits as was evidenced in her increasing trade. Mr. Chao urged Britain to act similarly to their mutual advantage. 


North China Herald, November 12, 1921. Published in London, Nov 9, 1921

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