The article is reprinted from the Christian Science Monitor. It provided a detailed account of the Convention, its unfoldin, the main decisions taken and emphasizing its large attendance. There were 10 000 Rotarians attending the Convention. The attendance of delegates from countries outside the United States and Canada was the largest ever registered at a Rotary convention. 150 delegates from outside the United States travelled more than 750,000 miles to attend the Convention.
The article paid a particular attention to the New England (Boston) delegation, the largest delegation at the Convention (with no less than 250 delegates).
Among the most important issues discussed at the Convention was the advisability of a new constitution in order to provide more autonomy to national clubs, demanded by the British clubs more particularly. A special committee made up of delegates from all Rotary districts in the United States, Canada, Europe and Latin America worked for month to present a draft of a new constitution and bye-laws before the Convention. The new constitution provides for a change in the number of directors and gives national associations representation on the board. The national assocation would take care of certain administrative work now looked after by the international board of directors and would function in an advisory capacity to the board of directors and the international headquarters.