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TitleMcMichael's Agency's Hoardings on the Boundary Wall of the Race Course in 1935
DateMonday 7 October 1935
Estimated dateAugust 4-October 26 1935
Estimated period1930-1937
LocationShanghai IS
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Image typeDrawing

Advertising Hoardings - Miscellaneous - 5-0 - 1- McMichael's Agency - Boundary Wall of the Race Course. 1935. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3775 (0358-0377).

Letter from E.H McMichel - dated 10/8/35 taken out by Building Surveyor's Office (Mr. Fulstow).

Letter from E.H. McMichael - dated 10/8/35 - has been taken out by Building Surveyor Office (Mr. Fulstow). 28th October 1935.

Deputy Commissioner of Public Works to E.H McMichel - "Advertising Hoardings - Thibet Road, Cadastral Lot 1310, Western District" - requiring that the length of the proposed hoarding be indicated in red on the plan. Shanghai, August 14, 1935. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3775 (0361).

I beg to acknowledge receipt of your application of the 10th instant, requesting permission to erect advertising hoardings on the boundary wall enclosing the above lot. In view of the extent of the proposed scheme, a decision may have to be deferred until after the present recess; and I shall be obliged if you will indicate in red on the plan the lenght of the proposed hoardings and return same to me in duplicate.

E.H McMichel to Deputy Commissioner of Public Works - "Reference your B.S. 141/135 dated 14/8/35". Shanghai, October 7, 1935. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3775 (0362).

I should be grateful if you would kindly let me have a reply to my application for placing hoardings on Thibet Road. 

Acting Commissioner of Public Works to E.H McMichel - acknowledging the receipt of letter and plans and informing the matter has been referred to the Council for consideration. Shanghai, October 11, 1935. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3775 (0367).

I beg to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 7th instant accompanied by plans, in which you request permission to erect advertising hoardings on the boundary wall of the Race Course along Thibet Road. The matter has now referred to the Council whose decision will be communicated to you in due course. 

Acting Commissioner of Public Works to Secretary - "Advertisement Hoardings" - forwardin E.H. Michael application - recommending to communicate wit the Race Club to ask them to reconsider the letting of the Club's extensive boundaries for advertising purposes. Shanghai, October 11, 1935. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3775 (0368-0369).

An application has now been received from Mr. E.H. McMichael for permission to erect advertisement hoardings on the Race Club along Thibet Road. The hoarding will extent 4 feet above the top of the wall and be placed in the most conspicuous places covering a total frontage of over 700 feet.

While it is impossible to challenge the Race Club's right to lease their wall for this purpose, it would result in a serious disfigurement of one of the widest thoroughfares in the Settlement.

The Race Club is not primarily a commercial undertaking and it is quite possible that their Committee's attention has never been drawn to this aspect of the proposal. Do you think you might communicate with the Race Club authorities and ask them to receonsider the letting ot the Club's extensive boundaries for advertising purposes?

E.H McMichel to Commissioner of Public Works - "Reference your B.S. 142/113 dated 11/10/35" - asking on behalf of the Chairman of the Race Club if the permission has now been granted. Shanghai, October 26, 1935. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3775 (0370).

I am directed by the Chairman of the Shanghai Race Club to ask you if the permission referred to therein has now been granted. Thanking you for the favour of a reply.


Advertising Hoardings - Miscellaneous - 5-0 - 2 - McMichael's Agency - Yu Ya Ching & Racecourse Roads. 1938. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3775 (0372-0377).

McMichael's Agency to Public Works Department - informing of their intention to put up three more advertisement boards on Race Course Road Corner Yu Ya Ching Road. Shanghai, August 3, 1938. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3775 (0373).

Will you please note that we intend to put up three more advertisement boards on Race Course Road corner - Yu Ya Ching Road. We had boards here before but the wall has just been moved. Please send Debit Notes for taxation to this office as usual. 

Commissioner of Public Works to McMichael's Agency - "Advertising Hoardings Yu Ya Ching and Race Course Roads" - requesting that a permit for removal and re-erection of the signboards be applied for. Shanghai, August 4, 1938. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3775 (0376).  

With reference to your letter dated the 3rd instant, I shall be obliged if you will apply for a permit for the removal and re-erection of the signboards on the above mentioned site.

Commissioner of Public Works to McMichael's Agency - "Proposed Public Latrine Yu Ya Ching Road" - requesting that the position of the proposed advertising hoarding be indicated on the attached map. Shanghai, October 5, 1938. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3775 (0377).

I attach hereto site plan of the above, and have indicated in red the position of an advertising hoarding beliebed to be your property. This site has been leased by the Council from the Shanghai Race Club and as building operations are about to commence I shall be obliged if you will kindly arrange for the removal of the hoarding as soon as possible.

Commissioner of Public Works to Secretary. Shanghai, October 11, 1938.  Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3822 (0681).

An application has been received from Mr. E.H. McMichael for permission ot erect advertisement hoardings on the Race Club wall along Thibet Road. The hoardings will extend 4 feet above the top of the wall and be placed in the most conspicuous places covering a total frontage over 700 feet.

While it is impossible to challenge the Race Club's right to lease their wall for this purpose, it would result in a serious disfigurement of one of the widest thoroughfares in the Settlement.

The Race Club is not primarily a commercial undertaking and it is quite possible that their Committee's attention has never been drawn to this aspect of the proposal.

Do you think you might communicate with the Race Club authorities and ask them to reconsider ther letting of the Club's extensive boundaries for advertising purposes?  



Keyword(s) [en]hoarding, wall, Race Course, Race club, disfigurement, aesthetics, beauty, McMichael
District NameInternational Settlement - Western
District typeresidential, other
Type of mediumBillboard/Hoarding
MaterialsConcrete, iron, brick
StationBoundary wall of the Race Club
DimensionsTotal frontage of 700 feet (200 m)

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