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TitleInstallation of Advertising Clocks in Settlements Streets Utilising Poles & Standards of Public Utility Companies (T.A. Cooper), 1927-1928.
Estimated date1927-11-02
Estimated period1919-1929
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Installation of Advertising Clocks in Settlements Streets Utilising Poles & Standards of Public Utility Companies - T.A. Cooper. 1927-1928. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-3381 (0199-0211).

Lettre de T.A. Cooper au S.M.C - Subject: Erection of Advertising Clocks at Cross-roads in Shanghai. Shanghai, November 2, 1927. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-3381 (0200-0202).

With reference to my recent interview with you on the subject of the installation of Advertising Clocks at the principle cross-roads in Shanghai, I beg to append below full particulars of the scheme of which I would respectfully request the Council's approval. The scheme in view has many advantages for the general public, not only it is unique and capable of great results from and advertising point of view, but also will be a great benefit in having the correct time continually in the public, and what is more advantageous, will greatly assist the Municipal Police authorities in the regulation of traffic, as it is proposed to embrace such traffic signals as are at present in, or may come into force at the different cross-roads.

(p.2/4) To give a general idea of this form of advertising I enclose a rough sketch of the clock with the hour and minute marked thereon, advertising spaces and traffic hint included.
As already explained, the clock is divided into four separate squares, the left hand lower squre represents the hour of the day and the right hand lower one the minutes. The two top squares are to be utilised for advertising purposes together with the side borders. The whole apparatus works on a revolving system, a new or different flap drops down at every change of hour and minute. The size of the clock is approximately three feet in width, two feet high and one foot six inches in depth - the inside measurements of the separated squares measuring approximatedly 12 inches by 9 inches. The outside border is about 6 inches in width, the top and lower borders being primarly used for traffic signals wherever necessary - these spaces will be offered gratis to the police Authorities - but where not required the spaces will be utilised for commercial advertisements. All clocks will be illuminated at night by electric lights placed at each corner, and they will also be synchronised.

Application will be made to the difference Companies concerned for permission to erect the clocks on existing telephone, telegraph or electric light standards situated in the most prominent position at the various cross-roads The clocks will be erected at such a distance from the ground as will not interfere with traffic, but at the same time easily readable at a distance.

It is proposed, as an experiment, to erect clocks at the junction of The Bund and Nanking Road, ant Nanking Road and Szechuen Road, but before so doing a private demonstration will be given, if this is considered necessary.
If the movement is sucessful, similar clocks will be erected from time to time at the undermentioned cross-roads, and I would request the Council's permission for their erection at these points: The Bund and Nanking Road; Nanking and Szechuen Roads, Nanking and Chekiang Road; Nanking and Thibet Road; Outside Shanghai Race Club's Main Entrance ; Bubbling Well Road and Avenue Haig; The Bund and Avenue Edward VII; Avenue Edward VII and Thibet Road; N. Szechuen Road and North Soochow Roads; N. Szechuen and N. Soochow Road ; and such other points as may be considered desirable.

At the present time I am not in a position to say when they are likely to be erected, but it is hoped that this will be done in the early part of next year.
I trust I have presented the schem as plainly as possible, but if the Council require to be enlightened on any points which I have failed tobring out I shall be only too glad to answer any quesions they may ask.  

Report from Commissioner of Police to Secretary. Your Reference 4784/1 of November 4 - Shanghai, November 12, 1927. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-3381 (0204).

(Rapport défavorable de la Police).

It is considered that the inclusion of "Traffic Warnings" intermingled with advertising matter will not help Traffic Control in crowded districts. These advertising clocks would probably cause Chinese pedestrians especially strangers to this city, to loiter, resulting in further obstruction and congestion on our narrow pavements and forcing others on to the roadway. The use of poles belonging to the various public utility concerns should be reserved exclusively for Municipal Notifications.  

Advertising Clocks - Transfert pour avis au Traffic Committee. Shanghai, November 14, 1927. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-3381 (0205).

Application by Mr. T.A. Cooper for permission to instal Advertising Clocks in the Settlement streets, utilising the poles and standards of the various public utility companies; with Police comment.
Since the Police to not consider that these clocks will assist traffic control, the offer to utilise them as traffic direction signs will, with memvers's approval, be refused; moreover, since as an advertising medium they will hinder (rather than assist) traffic, it is suggested that the use of the poles and standards of the various public utility companies be denied for this purpose.

Letter from Secretary to T.A. Cooper, rejecting the project. Shanghai, November 23, 1927. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-3381 (0206).

I am directed to acknowledge receipt of your letter of November 2, requesting permission to isntal advertising clocks in the Settlement streets utilising for this purpose the poles and standards of the several Public Utility Companies.

In reply therefo, I am directed to state that, as it is considered that the inclusion of "traffic warnings" intermingled with advertising matter would not assist traffic control in crowded districts, the Council is unwilling to sanction the insllation of advertising clocks as traffic direction signs; moreover, since these clocks as an advertising medium would hinder traffic by causing Chinese pedestrians to loiter, the Council is unwilling to accord its permission for the use of the poles and stanrads of the Public Utility Companies for this purpose.

Advertising Clocks - Extract from the Municipal Gazette (?) - Published December 2. Shanghai, December 2, 1927. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-3381 (0207).

For the reasons given in the appended correspondence, an application to erect advertising clocks at busy cross-roads section of the Settlement has been refused by the Council:

Shanghai, November 2, 1927.

Dear Sir, - With reference to my recent interview with you on the subject of the installation of Advertising Clocks at the principle cross-roads in Shanghai, I beg to append below full particulars of the scheme of which I would respectfully request the Council's approval. The sceme in view has many advantages for the general public, not only it is unique and capable of great results from and advertising point of view, but also will be a great benefit in having the correct time continually in the public, and what is more advantageous, will greatly assist the Municipal Police authorities in the regulation of traffic, as it is proposed to embrace such traffic signals as are at present in, or may come into force at the different cross-roads. (p.2/4) To give a general idea of this form of advertising I enclose a rough sketch of the clock with the hour and minute marked thereon, advertising spaces and traffice hint included. / As already explained, the clock is divided into four separate squares, the left hand lower squre represents the hour of the day and the right hand lower one the minutes. The two top squares are to be utilised for advertising purposes together with the side borders. The whold apparatus works on a revolving system, a new or different flap drops down at every change of hour and minute. The size of the clock is approximately three feet in width, two feet high and one foot six inches in depth - the inside measurements of the separated squares measuring approximatedly 12 inches by 9 inches. The outside border is about 6 inches in width, the top and lower borders being primarly used for traffic signals wherever necessary - these spaces will be offerd gratis to the police Authorities - but where not required the spaces will be utilised for commercial advertisements. All clocks will be illuminated at night by electric lights placed at each corner, and they will also be synchronised.

Application will be made to the difference Companies concerned for permission to erect the clocks on existing telephone, telefraph or electric light standards situated in the most prominent position at the various cross-roads The clocks will be erected at such a distance from the ground as will not interfere with traffic, but at the same time easily readable at a distance.

It is proposed, as an experiment, to erect clocks at the junction of The Bund and Nanking Road, ant Nanking Road and Szechuen Road, but before so doing a private demonstration will be given, if this is considered necessary.
If the movement is sucessful, similar clocks will be erected from time to time at the undermentioned cross-roads, and I would request the Council's permission for their erection at these points: The Bund and Nanking Road; Nanking and Szechuen Roads, Nanking and Chekiang Road; Nanking and Thibet Road; Outside Shanghai Race Club's Main Entrance ; Bubbling Well Road and Avenue Haig; The Bund and Avenue Edward VII; Avenue Edward VII and Thibet Road; N. Szechuen Road and North Soochow Roads; N. Szechuen and N. Soochow Road ; and such other points as may be considered desirable.
At the present time I am not in a position to say when they are likely to be erected, but it is hoped that this will be done in the early part of next year.
I trust I have presented the schem as plainly as possible, but if the Council require to be enlightened on any points which I have failed tobring out I shall be only too glad to answer any quesions they may ask.
I am, dear Sir, Your obedient servant,
T.A. Cooper.
S.M. Edwards, Esq., Secretary, Municipal Council.

Council Chamber, Shanghai, November 23, 1927
I am directed to acknowledge receipt of your letter of Noevember 2, requesint permission to isntal advertising clocks in the Settlement streets utilising for this purpose the poles and standards of the several Public Utility Companies. / In reply therefo, I am directed to state that, as it is considered that the inclusion of "traffic warnings" intermingled with advertising matter would not assist traffic control in crowded districts, the Council is unwilling to sanction the insllation of advertising clocks as traffic direction signs; moreover, since these clocks as an advertising medium would hinder traffic by causing Chinese pedestrians to loiter, the Council is unwilling to accord its permission for the use of the poles and stanrads of the Public Utility Companies for this purpose. I am, Sir, Your obedient servant, J.M. McKee, Deputy Secretary. T.A. Cooper, Esq.

Letter from T.A. Cooper to Secretary. Re-applying for erecting advertising clocks. Shanghai, November 28, 1927. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-3381 (0209).

I am in receipt of your letter of the 23rd instant regarding the installation of Advertising Clocks in the Settlement streets, informing me that the Council is unwilling to sancion such installation.
This is matter for regret, as I was under the impression that the Council would give their sanction to the scheme.
As an alternative, I would respectully request that the Council grant permission for the installation of the clocks on buildings situated in the principle Settlement streets between cross-roads, and not to utilise the polce and standards of the Public Utility Companies. The number of clocks to be so installed would be limited to not more than three along the Nanking and Bubbling Well Roads.
This would be in the nature of an experiment for a period of one year, after which time the Council could decide whether they be dispensed with or the scheme extended to other Settlement streets.

Report A 8721/4 from Commissioner of Police to Secretary. Advertising Clocks - Ref. No. 4784/1 of November 29. Shanghai, December 13, 1927. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-3381 (0208).

There is no objection to the alternatie suggestion of Mr. Cooper but I recommend that each site be inspected by the Police before the installation is finally approved.

Extract from Municipal Gazette - "Advertising Clocks" - dated December 2, 1927. Shanghai, December 2, 1927. Source: SMA (SMC) U1-14-3257 (2275-2276).

For the reasons given in the appended correspondence, application to erect advertising clocks at busy cross-roads sections of the Settlement has been refused by the Council.  
Advertising Clocks - Transfert pour avis au Traffic Committee. Shanghai, December 15, 1927. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-3381 (0210).

Letter from Mr. T.A. Cooper with Police comment and former file. Since the effect on traffic of the installation of these clocks can be gauged best perhaps by experimenting with a few of them, and since such experiment will be under Police control, members may feel disposed to sanction Mr. Cooper's present proposal?

Letter from Secretary to T.A. Cooper. Granting permission to erect advertising clocks. Shanghai, January 4, 1928. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-3381 (0211).

I am directed to acknowledge receipt of your letter of November 28, (…) as an experimental measure, the Council will grant you permission to install a limited number of advertising clocks on selected buildings in the Settlement. I am also directed to inform you that ... provided that the site proposed for the installation of the clocks are approved by the Police and on the understanding that discretion remains to the Council to call upon you to remove such cocks if they are... to aggravate the existing difficulties of the traffic situation.

Extract from Municipal Gazette - "Advertising Clocks" - dated December 2, 1927. Shanghai, December 2, 1927. Source: SMA (SMC) U1-14-3257 (2275-2276).

Subject to the stipulation recommended by the Commissioner of Police, the application of Mr. T.A. Cooper to instal three advertising Clocks along the Nanking and Bubbling Well Roads has been approved.

Keyword(s) [en]clock, public utility, pole, standard, cooper, space, square, traffic, obstruction, crossroad, congestion, demonstration, experiment, Nanking, Bubbling Well, time, standard, benefit, welfare, division, hour, minute, synchronization, ground, distance, publ
District NameInternational Settlement
Type of mediumAdvertising station, Advertising complex
StationPublic utility pole
Dimensions3' x 2' X 1'6" (1m x 0,6 x 0,5 m)
LanguageChinese, English

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