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TitleAdvertising on Ricshas & Pullers' Coats (National Advertising Agency), 1927
DateFriday 25 November 1927
Estimated date1927-1928
Estimated period1919-1929
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Image typeDrawing

Application for Permission to Affix Advertisements to Bodies of Ricshas as also on Pullers' Coats - Advertising on Ricshas & Pullers' Coats - Applications - National Advertising Agency. 1927.  Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-2992 (0686-0701).

Letter from National Advertising Agency to Secretary. Shanghai, November 25, 1927. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-2992 (0687).

We have the honour to submit you a sketch of a proposed ricsha advertising plan for Shanghai and hereby ask for the Council's permission to undertake such a scheme.

The advertisements will be printed on tin, except on the coolies' coats. The ricshas will not on account be used for political propaganda, but solely for advertising certain commodities such as cigarettes, food products, medicines, etc., etc. and in an ethical form. The advertisements will also always be kept in a proper and clean state.
We shall be very pleased to give you further details should you require them. Trusting that ou plan will meet with your approval and that you will grant us the necessary permit.   
Report from Acting Commissioner of Police to Secretary. Shanghai, November 26, 1927. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-2992 (0688).

It will be difficult to refuse facilities to public ricsha companies which are given to Omnibus and Tramway Companies (British). It might be considered undue discrimination.
I recommend that this matter considered by the Traffic Committee before yesterday's decision re the Omnibus and Tramway Companies is confirmed by the Council.  

Extract from Traffic Committee minutes dated November 25, 1927. Shanghai, November 25, 1927. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-2992 (0689).  

An application from the China General Omnibus Company Limited that the Council should re-consider its decision regarding outside advertisements on motor buses is considered. In reply to a memorandum from the Secretary, the Commissioner of Police states that, on further consideration, he is prepared to withdraw the objections previously raised by the Police Department against advertisements on licensed vehicles, provided the posters take the form of genuine advertisements as to which the Police Department should exercise its discretion. After discussion (in which Mr. McBain, being a Director of the Company, takes no part) members recommend that, since the Police Department have withdrawn their objections to this form of advertising, the application of the Company be approved provided that the posters displayed are approved by the Police Department. Application from the China General Omnibus Companies, Limited, that the Council should re-consider.

Letter from Secretary to Commissioner of Police. Shanghai, November 29, 1927. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-2992 (0690).  

With reference to your report of November 26 relative to the application of the National Advertising Agency for permission to affix advertisements to the bodies of ricshaws as also on the puller's coats, I shall be obliged if you will kindly state fully the attitude of the Police towards this particular form of advertising and detailing your objections, etc.  

Report to Secreary from Acting Commissioner of Police. "Advertising on ricshas - Ref. 4294/1 of Nov. 20". Shanghai, December 2, 1927. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-2992 (0691).

The attitude of this department towards advertising on ricshas is that permission having been given to motor buses and tramways to be used for advertising purposes, there are no logical reasons for refusing similar facilities to ricsha companies. In order, however, to ensure proper control, it may be necessary to impose a substantial security against misuse of this privilege. It will also be necessary to insist that the position of the advertising matter on public ricshas must be approved by the police beforehand. The enamelled licence numbers serve a useful purpose, and advertising matter should not be allowed on the mudguards under any circumstances.  

Letter from S.M.C. Secretary to National Advertising Agency. Shanghai, December 6, 1927. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-2992 (0692).

I am directed to acknowledge receipt of your letter of November 25, on the subject of advertising on ricshas, and in reply to inform you that the matter is receiving the Council's attention and that a further communication will be addressed to you in due course.  

Memorandum from Deputy Secretary (J.M. McKee) to Watch & Traffic Committee. "Advertising on Public Ricshas". Shanghai, December 15, 1927. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-2992 (0693).

Application by the National Advertising Agency for permission to utilize the public ricsha and its puller for advertising purposes; with Police reports. (Relative file attached).

Notwithstanding the "logical" reasons which may exist for approval of this request, I am of opinion that this form of advertising should be discountenanced. Investigation of the Secretariat records reveals that aesthetic considerations have resulted in this form of advertising having been disapproved on many occasions in the past. Moreover, it will be impracticable to adequatly control advertising matter carried on the ubiquituous ricshas, approwimately 10,000 of which ply on the public streets.
Accordingly, I recommend that the application be refused.  

Extract from Traffic Committee minutes dated January 9 1928. Shanghai, January 9, 1928. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-2992 (0694).  

An application by the National Advertising Agency for permission to utilize the public ricsha and its puller for advertising purposes is submitted. In comment thereon, the Commissioner of Police suggests that, since advertising is now permitted on the vehicles of the Omnibus and Tramway Companies, there are no logical reasons for refusing similar facilities to Ricsha Companies.

Owing to the difficulty of controlling advertising mater carried on some 10,000 ricshas, the Secretary is of opinion that this application should be refused. The Assistant Commissioner of Police recommends that if the desired permission is granted it should be stipulated that the position of the advertising matter on public ricshaw must be approved in the first place by the Police. Moreover, as the enamelled license plate is affixed to the mud guards, the Police Department is of the view that no advertising matter should be allowed on this portion of the vehicle, under any circumstances.

With regard to the suggestion that a substantial security be imposed against the misuse of this privilege, Mr. Springfield states that, as the majority of ricksha owners have little capital, the imposition of additional security might result in hardship; and as the Revenue Office already holds security in respect of the vehical licence, his proposal is endorsed that this should be utilized for both purposes. After discussion, members recommend that, subject to compliances with the conditions recommended by the Police Department, advertising on public ricshas be authorized.  

Letter from Secretary to Commissioner of Police. Shanghai, January 19, 1928. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-2992 (0698).

Relative to the application of the National Advertising Agency and your reports of November 26 and December 2, 1927, I have to inform you of the Council's decision to permit advertising on public ricshas, subject to compliances with the conditions and requirements recommended by the Police.
Accordingly, I have to request that you will kindly report specifying fully the Police requirements and conditions in this matter, for communication to the concerned ; and, in this connection, I have to point out that the application of the National Advertising Agency includes a request for permission to utilize for advertising purposes not only the body of the ricsha but also the coolies' coats.

Report from Acting Commisisoner of Police to Secretary. "Advertising on Public Ricshas - Your No. 4294 of 19-1-28". Shanghai, January 28, 1928. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-2992 (0699).

Your No. 4292 of 19-1-28. The following conditions will meet Police requirements: Position of advertisement on ricshas. On that portion of the back panel (approximately 20""x10") which is above that part at present used for the display of current month's licence plates only. Type of Advertisement. A plate to be affixed by screws or nuts and easily removable if and when required when ricsha is undergoing inspection. Plate if of metal to be non-rusting. Paper or cardboard advertisement should not be allowed. Position and type of advertisements on ricsha pullers' uniform. Back and Front of Jacket only which must be of the pattern at present issued by all ricsha hongs. Advertisements may be applied to jacket by painting on, stamping on, being woven into or sewn on to fabric of jacket.  

Letter from S.M.C. Secretary to National Advertising Agency. Shanghai, February 2, 1928. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-2992 (0700-0701).

I am directed to acknowledge receipt of your letter of November 25 requesting permission to utilise the public ricsha and its puller for advertising purposes.
In reply, I am directed to inform you that the Council accords its permission, subject to compliance with the following conditions:
1. Censorship of advertising matter. - All advertising matter which it is proposed to display must be passed by the Police as suitable and proper for public exhibition.
2. Position of Avertisements on Ricshas. On that portion of the back panel (approximately 20""x10") which is above that part at present used for the display of current month's licence plates only.
3. Type of Advertisement. A plate to be affixed by screws or nuts and easily removable if and when required when ricsha is undergoing inspection. Plate if of metal to be non-rusting. Paper or cardboard advertisement not permitted.
4. Position and type of advertisements on ricsha pullers' uniform. Back and Front of Jacket only which must be of the pattern at present issued by all ricsha hongs. Advertisements may be applied to jacket by painting on, stamping on, being woven into or sewn on to fabric of jacket.
I have to add that whilst the taxation of such advertising is not at the moment contemplated, the imposition of a tax is wholly within the Council's competence, and it is desirous that its right to impose such tax at a future date should be borne in mind by yourselves.

Keyword(s) [en]rickshaw, National Advertising Agency, puller, back, mudguard, censorship, traffic, police, lactogen, scott's emulsion, capstan, cigarette, tobacco, dunlop, tyre, jacket, front, licence, plate,
District NameInternational Settlement
District typecommercial
SectorE 4, H 1, L 1, N 1, N 2
Type of mediumTransportation device
StationPuller's back, mudguard, jacket
LanguageChinese, English

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