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TitleAdvertising Art Studio, Letterhead (1942-1943)
DateTuesday 15 December 1942
Estimated period1938-1943
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The Advertising Art Studio - 830 Avenue Foch - Rooms 306-307 - Tel 66126

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Image typeDrawing

SMA (SMC), U1-3822 (0615).

The Advertising Art Studio - Permission requested to display advertisements by means of moving boards (refused). 1942. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3822 (0610-0616).

Letter to Secretary from the Advertising Art Studio. Shanghai, December 15, 1942. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3822 (0615).

May we ask for your kind permission to circulate on local streets moving Advertising boards. We attach a sketch to show how such boards will lot like and we hope that the appearance of them and of men pulling them will be neat enought.
In view of occupying as little space as possible there will be only one wheel on which board will be erected.
We doubt that pullers will obey to all traffic regulations, but we shall be much obliged if it would be permitted to circulate them on all streets including main streets like Nanking Road, North Szechuen Road, Bubbling Well Road, etc. or to allow them to procede to some definite points on such streets and stand there.
We shall be much obliged to hear what Municipal tax will be necessary to pay for each such oard, and how man of them we may place on circulation to avoid any traffic difficulties.  

Commissioner of Police to Secretary. "Traffic Regulation No.63 - Your File M13/11. Letter from N.A. Teplyakoff dated December 15th, 1942". Shanghai, December 23, 1942. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3822 (0612).

From a Police point of view such advertising is not desirable, besides it would be contrary to Traffic Regulation No.63. It is therefore not recommended.  

Secretary to Chairman. Shanghai, December 24, 1942. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3822 (0611).

The Commissioner of Police recommend that the attached application be disapproved. Traffic Regulation No.63 read as follows: "The use of persons, animals, vehicles and conveyances in the roadways or footpaths for the sole purpose of displaying advertisement is prohibited." I agree with Police recommendation. For instructions please.  

Assistant Secretary to Advertising Art Studio. Shanghai, December 28, 1942. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3822 (0610).

I have to akcnowledge receipt of your letter of December 15, applying for permission to display advertisement by means of moving boards.
In reply, I have to inform you that after careful consideration, the Council is not prepared to sanction your application.

Keyword(s) [en]art, studio, painting, palette, pencil, brush, paintbrush, logo, logotype, woman, police, traffic, regulation, animal, wheel, board, main, street, Nanking, North Szechuen, Bubbling Well, circulation, tax, boy, smoke, A, cigarette, tobacco, frame, vehicle
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District NameInternational Settlement
District typecommercial
SectorL 1
Type of mediumSign/Signboard, Transportation device
MaterialsWood, painting
Dimensions2-2'5" x 4' (0,6 m x 1,2m)
Estimated momentday
Textual element

The Advertising Art Studio - 830 Avenue Foch - Rooms 306-307 - Tel 66126

Visual element

art, studio, painting, palette, pencil, brush, paintbrush, woman,


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