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TitleShanghai Power Company, Proposed Flood Lights, Canton Road (1939)
DateWednesday 17 May 1939
Estimated date1939
Estimated period1938-1943
LocationShanghai IS
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1 x 1000 watts floodlight on this pole

439-441 Heng Nee Sheng Hosiery Factory

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Proposed Flood Lights - No. 339-341 Canton Road

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Shanghai Power Company - Installation of Flood Projector - Canton Road. 1939. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3822 (0660-0665).

Letter to Secretary from Shanghai Power Company. Shanghai, May 17, 1939. SMA (SMC), U1-3822 (0665).

We would request your permission to install a flood light projector on an existing pole on Canton Road in order to illuminated the Heng Nee Sheng Hosiery Factory, 439-441 Canton Road, in accordance with the enclosed sketch.  

Commissioner of Police to Secretary stating. Shanghai, May 22, 1939. SMA (SMC), U1-3822 (0664).

There are no Police objection to the installation of a flood light projector as requested in the leter from the Shanghai Power Company dated May 17, 1939. The sketch enclosed with your endorsement is returned herewith.

Commissioner of Public Works to Secretary. Shanghai, May 25, 1939. SMA (SMC), U1-3822 (0662).

[Stating this Department has no objection ot the proposed installation of flood-lights for the illumination of the premises Nos. 439/441 Canton Road.]

Deputy Secretary to Shanghai Power Company.  Shanghai, May 25, 1939. SMA (SMC), U1-3822 (0661).

[Granting  permission]

Keyword(s) [en]flood light, north, hosiery, pole, projector, factory
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District NameInternational Settlement - Western - Bubbling Well
SectorB 5
MaterialsConcrete, electricity
Estimated momentnight

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