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TitleCarl Crow, Roof Signs 417 Nanking Road (1921)
DateFriday 25 November 1921
Estimated period1919-1929
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Nanking Road - No.417

Chekiang Road

Hopeh Road


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Advertising Hoardings - Carl Crow Incorporated - Central District 1. Cad. Lot 513 - Nanking Road & Hopeh Road, 417 Nanking Road. 1921-1930. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3253 (1396-1401)

Advertising on Roof of Houses - Cad. Lot 513 - Nanking Road & Hopeh Road. Shanghai, November 7, 1921. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3253 (1397).

I beg to inform you that the construction of the above hoarding is unsatisfactory, inasmuch as the timbers used are of insufficient strength, and the ties inadequate, furthermore the hoarding has been erected over the Municipal road. I shall be obliged if you will kindly give these matters your immediate attention.  

Carl Crow Inc. to Commissioner of Public Works - requesting a permit for erecting an advertising board on roof at No. 417 Nanking Road corner Hupeh Road (sketch attached). Shanghai, November 25, 1921. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3253 (1398).

Will you kindly issue building permit for erecting an advertising board on roof at No. 417 Nanking Road corner Hupeh Road as shown by attached sketch map. The board does not project over a Municipal road way and comes under classification "a" in your letter of April 12, 1924. Thanking you for your attention to this request.

Commissioner of Public Works to Carl Crow. "Roof  Signs - Cad. Lot 513 - Nanking Road - Central". Shanghai, July 8, 1930. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3253 (1401).
-> informing the Company that it would be necessary when repairing roof signs in future to provided permanent access to the roof so that the structure may be periodically inspected

With reference to your application for permission to repair an advertising sign on the roof at the corner of Nanking and Hoopeh Roads, I be to inform you that it would be necessary when repairing roof signs in future to provide permanent access to the roof so that the structure may be periodically inspected by a representative of this Department. The permit will be issued in due course.

Keyword(s) [en]roof, sign, strength, timber, tie, hoarding, municipal, road, projection, permit, unsatisfactory, sketchy, key plan, access, permanent, periodical, inspection
District NameInternational Settlement - Central
District typecommercial
Type of mediumSign/Signboard, Billboard/Hoarding
MaterialsTimber (wood)

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