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TitleDah Tung Advertising Agency, Advertising board on a wall, corner Bubbling & Weihaiwei Rd (1936)
DateSunday 22 March 1936
Estimated period1930-1937
LocationShanghai IS
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Image typeDrawing

Advertising Boards & Hoardings. Dah Tung Advertising Agency. Cad. Lot 1812. 1936. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3255 (1878-1884)

Translation No. 2341. Letter dated 22/3/36 from Daitung Advertising Agency, 94 Dah Tsoong Lee, Yates Road. "Advertising Board on the west side wall 435, Weihaiwei Road". Shanghai, March 22, 1936. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3255 (1878).

With reference to your notice requiring detailed plans for the above, we beg to inform you that we have no designers in our office. In view of the small size of the board, will you kindly give special consideration to this matter and issue the necessary permits We promise that no similar action will be taken by us in the future. Unless you entertain our request we shall be obliged to give up the projet.  

Original letter (in Chinese) dated 22/3/36 from Daitung Advertising Agency, 94 Dah Tsoong Lee, Yates Road. Shanghai, March 22, 1936. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3255 (1880).

Letter to Dah Tung Advertising Agency, from Commissioner of Public Works - "Proposed Advertising Hoarding No. 435 Weihaiwei Road" - Cad 1812 Western". Shanghai, March 26, 1936. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3255 (1883).
With reference to your letter dated the 22nd inst. Regarding a proposed advertising hoarding to be erected on the above site, I shall be obliged if you will kindly call at the Building Surveyor's Office at your early convenience.

Keyword(s) [en]hoarding, board, wall, designer, office, sketchy, size
District NameInternational Settlement - Western - Bubbling Well
Type of mediumBillboard/Hoarding
Dimensions8 x 9 尺 (chi)(2,6 x 3 m)
LanguageChinese, English

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