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TitleAdvertisement for Newmilks, Limited published in the magazine "Radiant Health" in 1935
Estimated dateSpring 1935
Estimated period1930-1937
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Perfect Pasture brings Perfect Milk

Perfect Pasture brings Perfect Milk. A milk from "Home" with "Home" freshness - Newmilk! Pedigree cows, 300,000 of them, perfect pastures, ideal climate, and New Zealand, the cleanest country in the world, are teh sources of Newmilk! And now - science has made it possible to bring this milk to you in Shanghai, just it was in New Zealand. Rich in cream, real cream. Newmilk is the answer to the call for better milk. Gueranteed to be fully vitaminised - guarnateed in purity - and guarantteed in butterfat, 1,4 per cent - rich to the last drop - Newmilk is supplied fresh daily - AND, bottled in the new sanitary bottle, sealed form contamination with pure alumininum. Newmilk is safe milk.

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Source: Advertisement from Newsmilks published in Radiant Health. Vol. 1, No. 5. Spring 1935. Shanghai, Spring 1935. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-4-724 (2410). Extract from "Newmilks, Limited. Dairies: Misleading Advertisements Re Produce (2). May 2, 1935 - February 13, 1936. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-4-724 (2393-2427).

Keyword(s) [en]milk, misleading, fresh, dairy, public health, health, press, periodical, magazine
SectorH 1, N 1
Type of mediumPoster & other printed ads

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