Based on the following dataset, the attached time series trace the evolution of membership at the Rotary Club of Shanghai over the period May 1920-September 1935 (inclusive).
- The first graph simply plots the original time series using R Studio function "plot.ts() (maintaining missing data)
- The second graph plots the same time series using function "na_interpol" from R package "imputeTS" to fill missing data
- The third graph plots the same time series transformed into an additive model after calculating the natural lof of the original data using "log()" function.
- The fourth graph plots the smoothed time series based a smoothing average of order n = 8 - using the function "SMA()" from R package "TTR" and "na_interpol" from R package "imputeTS" to fill missing data
- The fifth graph plots the decomposed time series - using R function "decompose()"
- The sixth and last graph plots the same series after seasonal adjusting