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TitleChinese Rotarians: Institutional affiliations
Year Start1920
Year End1948
DateWednesday 10 June 2020

The following tables aim to reconstruct the affiliation network of Chinese Rotarians in Shanghai. The first table is the working file we used to list all the positions (salaried and non salaried) that Chinese Rotarians took in various institutions during their life. For each individual, we provide the name of the institution in English and Chinese, the name of the position they took (as given in the original source and in standardized form for analytical purposes), the starting and ending year, and the place (city) where the position was taken or the institution was located, and the source from which we drew the information. 

The second table contains the edge and node lists we built from the working file and we used for building the two-mode network of affiliations (see the "Trees" section). The first sheet summarizes all the information. The edge lists are contained in the second and third sheets. In the edge lists, the first column provides the name of individuals and the second one the name of institutions. We built two edge lists. The first one was designed for constructing a multiplex network including every occurrences of every affiliation, while the second one retains only one single occurrence of each affiliation, adding a weight to each pair of relations in order to build a weighted network. The weight  was calculated simply by computing the number of co-occurrences between a given individual and a given institution, and is an indicator of the strength of the link between them. The node lists contains various attributes related to the nodes, mostly the type of institution based on our classification into eleven categories that we found relevant for our analyses: private company, association (organization), government, army, university, hospital, international organization, church, court, political party, and miscellaneous (other). Additional sheets contain pivot tables we used for conducting basic statistical analysis on institutions and places. 

The third table summarizes major network measures related to institutions and individuals in the simple (weighted) network of affiliations (especially degree and betweenness centrality). 

Affiliation data comes from the series of Who’s who available through the Integrated Information System on Modern and Contemporary Characters (IISMCC) hosted by the Academia Sinica’s Institute of Modern History.

KeywordsRotary ; club ; Americanization ; Shanghai ; who's who ; affiliation ; network ; institution ; education ; occupation ; position ;

RotaryZH_position_clean.xls (261.5 ko)

Rotaryzhnetwork.xlsx (312.26 ko)

Rotaryzhnet_stats.xlsx (110.18 ko)

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