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TitleChinese Rotarian officers
Year Start1920
Year End1948
DateTuesday 9 June 2020

The following table provides a list of Chinese Rotarian officers and the offices they took at the service of the Rotary Club of Shanghai. The first sheet mentions every office held by every officer, while the second retains only unique officers with their highest level of service. Additional sheets include the pivot tables we used for statistical analyses (see the "Graphs" section).

Data comes from rosters and lists of officers in available in Rotary International Archives, Evanston, Ill.*, supplemented by local newspapers and secondhand sources. For each officer, we mentioned the level of service (highest office taken during membership), the name of board or committee on which they served, the position held in board or committee, and the starting and ending year of office. 

*More specifically, we relied on twenty-seven rosters and membership lists issued between 1920 and 1948, which represents an average of 1.5 per year, except during the war (no rosters were available between 1940 and 1945). In addition to Rotary International archives, two rosters (1938-9 and 1948) came from the American Commercial Attache A.B. Calder’s personal papers at the Hoover Institution Archives, Stanford, Calif. 1920 corresponds to the year the first Chinese (Y.C. Tong) was admitted to the club, while 1948 refers to the last roster at our disposal. 

KeywordsRotary ; club ; Americanization ; membership ; roster ; Shanghai ; officer ; club service ;

RotaryZH_officer.xlsx (45.14 ko)

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