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TitleShanghai Rotary Club: one-mode network of multiple attendance (1919-1920)
Year Start1919
Year End1920
DateSaturday 21 September 2019

The following graph visualizes multiple attendance at the meetings of the Shanghai Rotary Club during President Petit's term (1919-20). This one-mode network of events-events joined by persons results from the projection of the initial two-mode network of meeting attendance (see related data below), using the R package tnet (project_tm function) (Opsahl, 2008). In this network, nodes represent events (club meetings), whereas edges represent the attendees they have in common. Any edge links two events that share participants. The absence of ties reflects events that have no participants in common. Tie weight expresses the number of multiple participants (“sum” method), discounted for persons’ prominence and hyperactivity (Newman method).

The original dataset used to build this network is available in the "tables" section. An interactive version of this network is accessible on the CyNetShare platform (see URL below). The attached files include a snapshot of the graph and its legend. 


Keywordsclub ; Rotary ; Shanghai ; meeting ; one-mode network ; person ; event ; shared attendance ; projection ; weighted network ;
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