Manufacturer/distributor of student textbooks 班學生之書 (Banxusheng zhishu) (1914). In 1924, the company diversified by advertising Chinese language textbooks (國語敎科書 Guoyu jiaokeshu), educational magazines (敎育雜誌 Jiaoyu zazhi) and primary school teaching materials (新學制初級小學 Xinxuezhi chuji xiaoxue). In 1934, the company published and advertised two textbooks for students: "Essential learning" (Xiamen University Collection) 視學綱要(廈門大學叢書) [Shixue gangyao [Xiamen daxue congshu]) and "Introduction to biology (Encyclopedic series)" 生物學大意(百科小叢書 ) [Shengwuxue dayi (baike xiao congshu)].