We know from an advertisement published in the North China Daily News in 1934 that the Cathay Hotels served as a bookstore and a place for distributing newspaper and periodicals, especially the Far Eastern Review. The 1934 advertisement stated: "Get the Background of To-day's Situation in China in the Current Issue of The Far Eastern Review. Leading Articles this Month: Japan's Attitude Toward America -- Three Problems of Japan and United States ) The Crisis in Fukien -- Aspects of Electrical Development in China -- Subscription Rate: Mex. $10 per year - Single Copie: Mex. $1 per copy. May be obtained at the following bookstores:.. "
Cathay Hotels
上梅南京路沙逊大厦英商旅店公司o 1928 年新沙逊洋行发起开办,核定资本规银500 万两,迄1936 年实收150 万两,按香港公司注册章程注册为私有股份有限责任公司.所营饭店及公寓有南京路华想主饭店(Cathay HoteD 、江西路都城饭店(Metropole Hotel)及汉弥登大楼(The HamiltonHouse) 、法租界迈而西爱路蒲石路口华燃公寓(Cathay Mansions ,Ltd. )等。一度由安利洋行全权经理01940 年代后期尚见于记载,往来银行为"汇丰飞.
Source: The Universal Dictionary of Foreign Business in Modern China, Sichuan People's Publishing House, 1995 (297)
Rough English translation
The new Sassoon Sunrise was launched in 1928, and the capital of the capital was set at 5 million taels. In 1936, it was paid 1.5 million shares and registered as a private company limited liability company (Cathay HoteD, Metropole Hotel and The HamiltonHouse, French Concession and Cathay HoteD, Cathay HoteD, Cathay HoteD, Cathay HoteD, Cathay HoteD, Mansions, Ltd.), etc. Once managed by Amway Matteo Manager in the late 01940s, the correspondent bank was "HSBC Fly."