907 documents
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companyName_pinYongxing yanghang
Buisness SectorE5, U1
legalStatusLimited liability company (Société anonyme)
locationMainShanghai, 16 Museum Road
locationOtherParis, Ningpo, Tianjin, Qingdao, Hongkong
serviceTypeEngineering, energy

Distributor of stoves. Trading import/export French firm, specialized in importing a wide range of products from Europe, Asia (Java) and the United States (paper, hardware, Western medicine, sugar, glass, cigarette paper, it sealed, dumplings, chemicals, dyes, shrimp, peanuts, moss, talcum powder, tung board, lee to berth, silk head, yarn head, casings, beef and sheep skin), as well as exporting other Chinese products to Europe and the United States.

Source/Reference: The Universal Dictionary of Foreign Business in Modern China, Sichuan People's Publishing House, 1995 (222-223)

法国贸易商行.1847 年开办,西名 "Olivier et Cie 气本部巴黎。1869 年来华开业,先后于上海、宁波、口、天津诸埠设分号,经营总进出口贸易,在汉口及上掷开办有猪累、籽仁加工及机器打包等工厂.1890 年代西名一度作 "Olivier , de Langenhagen &. Co.". 1918 年更西名为 "Compagnie Olivier' • 1920 年代改组为有限责任公司,启用 "Olivier - Chine , S.A. ..新西名,资本为规银50 万两,相继添青岛及香港分号。英、美、加、意及摩洛哥等地设亲缘公司. 进口欧、美、爪哇等地所产纸张、五金、西药、沙糖、玻璃、卷烟纸、呢缄、毛钱、化学品、染料、精泊、缝纫机、电动机、仪表、管材及杂货z 出口草帽、湖丝、府绸、蛋类、蜡、花生、鱼肚、滑石粉、桐泊、莱予泊、丝头、纱头、肠衣、牛羊皮、皮货、猪熏、头发、茶叶、发网、五倍子、籽仁、麟香及其它中国产物,销往欧美.代理亲缘公司及其官欧美厂商公司数家至数十家-1940 年代末调整资本为150 万美元,驻华总经理萨道克(A. Sadoc),往来银行为"汇卒"、"东方百理"、"中法工商"及"花旗"、"中国"。杨少莲、沈静轩、程秘卿、吴伟臣、郑钟汉、汤拱裳、朱藻元及严梅东、沈瑞安、王敬铭、叶星海、叶方庸、安紫庚、李绍曾、由擎钟、陈仲生、倪云卿、袁瑞章、严逸文等尝充是行买办、副买办或华经理.

Rough translation

French trade firm. 1847 opened, the West named "Olivier et Cie Department of Paris .1869 years to China, has in Shanghai, Ningbo, mouth, Tianjin Zhubu set a semicolon, operating the total import and export trade, in Hankou and throwing There are pig tired, seed processing and machine packaging and other factories .1890 years of the West once for the "Olivier, de Langenhagen &. Co." .1918 years more named "Compagnie Olivier" • 1920 was reorganized as a limited liability company, "Olivier - Chine, SA .. New West, the capital for the silver 5 million two, have added Qingdao and Hong Kong semicolon. The United States, the United States, Java and other places produced by the paper, hardware, Western medicine, sugar, glass, cigarette paper, it sealed, dumplings, chemicals, dyes, Shrimp, peanuts, moss, talcum powder, tung board, lee to berth, silk head, yarn head, casings, beef and sheep skin , And other Chinese products, sold to Europe and the United States. Acting companies and their official companies in Europe and America to dozens of manufacturers -1940 late to adjust the capital For $ 1.5 million, general manager of China, A. Sadoc, and "Bank of China", "China" and "Citigroup" and "China". Yang Xiaolian, Shen Jingxuan, Cheng Weqing, Wu Weichen, Zheng Zhonghan, Tang Guizhan, Tang Yucheng and Yan Meidong, Shen Ruian, Wang Jingming, Ye Xinghai, Ye Fangyong, An Zijeng, Li Shaozeng Tasting is the line of comprador, deputy comprador or manager.

culturalGroupForeign, western, European
MediumNorth China Daily News, newspaper, press
KeywordTrading, import, export, engineering, energy, electricity, home, domestic, stove, heating, season, branch, office, local, comprador
PeopleLANGENHAGEN, Oliver de; SADOC, A. 萨道克 (Sadike); YANG Xiaolian 杨少莲; SHEN Jingxuan 沈静轩; CHENG Weqing 程秘卿; WU Weichen 吴伟臣; ZHENG Zhonghan 郑钟汉; TANG Guizhan; TANG Yucheng 汤拱裳; YAN Meidong 严梅东; SHEN Rui'an 沈瑞安; WANG Jingming 王敬铭; YE Xinghai 叶星海; YE Fangyong 叶方
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