907 documents
797/907 results        
companyName_pinAi'erde youxiangongsi
Buisness SectorE1, F3
legalStatusIncorporated in Hongkong
locationMainShanghai: 20 The Bund (1901); 18 Yuen Ming Yuen Road (Balfour building) (1902-1903); 11 Yuen Ming Yuen Road (1915-1916); 5 Hongkong Road (Algar building) (1927-1937); 20 Nanking Road (Sassoon House) (1938-1941).
serviceTypeEngineering, finance

British firm of architects founded in Shanghai in 1897 under the name of Algar, A.E.;  then Algar & Beesley after associating with Beesley (before 1915); and finally Algar & Co (1915), after incorporating in Hongkong.

Source/reference: The Universal Dictionary of Foreign Business in Modern China, Sichuan People's Publishing House, 1995 (584)

上海英商建筑工程行。1897年加拿大建筑师爱尔德 (A. E. Algar) 个人创办,即以姓字为行名。嗣与英国建筑师学会会员毕士来(Percy M. Beesley) 合伙,更西名为.."Algar &. Beesley" .1915 年改组,按香港公司注册章程注册为私有有限公司,启用新西名,爱民任常务董事.承揽建筑设计及测绘事.兼营地产、房地产及保险代理业务.为沪上最老的外商营造企业之一.曾主持杭州通商场总体设计,津t户两地不少著名建筑物出自爱氏之手,天津李鸿章私邸øp 其杰作.1928 年,其全部已发行资本银22.5 万两悉数由沙逊集团所属华'坠地产公司收买,遂成为沙逊集团附属公司. 1940 年代后期尚见于记载,往来银行为"汇丰飞丁秋阶、丁伯英、丁季超尝充公司买办.

Rough translation

Canadian architect A. E. Algar founder, that is, the name of the name for the line. He is a member of the British Institution of Architects, and he is named after "Percy M. Beesley", and is named "Algar & Beesley" in 1915. He was reorganized in 1915 as a private company in Hong Kong. Is the chief manager of the business, and is one of the oldest foreign-invested enterprises in Shanghai, and has presided over the overall design of the Hangzhou shopping mall, and many famous buildings In 1928, all of its issued capital of silver 22.5 million in two by the Sassoon Group owned by the fall of real estate companies to buy, then became a subsidiary of the Sassoon Group .1940s later. In the late 1940s, Still seen in the record, the bank for the "HSBC Feng Ding order, Ding Boying, Ding Ji Chao tasting company comprador.

serviceNameBuilding, architect, construction, real estate
culturalGroupForeign, Western, European
MediumNorth China Daily News, newspaper, press
KeywordFinance, architect, building, construction, engineering, real, estate
PeopleALGARD, A.E. 爱尔德 (Ai'erde); BEESLEY, Percy M. 毕士来 (Bishilai);
797/907 results        
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