Belgian bank. Advertised exclusively in the North China Daily News. Other names: Banque Sino-Belge; Banque belge pour l'étranger (Extrême-Orient); Société générale de Belgique;
Source/reference: The Universal Dictionary of Foreign Business in Modern China, Sichuan People's Publishing House, 1995 (281-282)
比利时银行。1902 年钦利波(King Leopold) 发起创办,西名"Banque Sino - Belge" .资本100万法郎。本部布鲁塞尔,上海、天津、北京、汉口、香港及纽约、伦敦、巴黎、开罗、亚历山大诸埠相继设分行或办事处. 1913 年与英国国外银行合并,遂变更西名为"Banque Belge pour l' Etranger. S.A. '.注册为公众性有限公司 (或记作私有有限公司).核定资本5.000 万法郎,实收3.000 万法郎.华行除经营存款、放款、汇兑等一般银行业务外,更专注于铁路的投资和经营.我国历次所借比利时路贷款均由是行经理.宾后成为比利时通用银行( Société Générale de Belgique) 之子公司. 在奥、匈罗、意、南、波、保、捷、埃及有众多同盟银行.及至1930 年代中,预定资本已累增至2 亿法郎实收15.842万余法郎,资产负债总额为232.499万余法郎。嗣设远东子公司,在华各分行均启用"Banque Belge pour l' Etranger (Extrême 一Orient). S. A."新西名. 1936 年华行资产约值300 万美元,占其资产总值之38%. 1940年代末尚见于记载.胡寄梅、胡绪秋及李致堂、魏采章、丁济谦、索
Rough translation
Bank of Belgium. 1902 King Leopold (founder of King Leopold), the West named "Banque Sino - Belge". Capital 1 million francs. Brussels, Shanghai, Tianjin, Beijing, Hankou, Hong Kong and New York, London, Paris, Cairo, Alexander Zhu Zhu have set up branches or offices in 1913 and the British foreign banks merged, then changed the name of "Banque Belge pour l" Etranger. SA 'is registered as a public limited company (or as a private limited company). Approved capital of 50 million francs, paid 30 million francs. China Bank in addition to operating deposits, loans, foreign exchange and other general banking business, more focused on Railway investment and management. China's previous borrowed by the Belgian road loans are by the manager. Bin became a Belgian general bank (Société Générale de Belgique) subsidiary. In Austria, Hungary, Italy, South, wave, security, Egypt has a large number of affiliated banks, and by the 1930s, the planned capital has accumulated to 200 million francs in excess of 15.842 million francs, total assets and liabilities of 232.499 million francs. Siyuan Far East subsidiary, branches in China are enabled "Banque In 1936, Bank of China assets valued at about $ 3 million, representing 38% of its total assets. In the 1940s, Still found in records. Hu Ji Mei, Hu Xu autumn and Lizhi Tang, Zhang Wei mining, Dingji Qian, cable And so on.