1079 documents
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NameProjecting Private Lamps: Applications
TitleElectric & Gas Signs & Lamps: Projecting Private Lamps
AuthorAndersen, Meyer & Co.; Apollo Theater; British-American Tobacco; General Electric Company of China, Ltd.; Nipponophone; Siemens; Engineer & Surveyor; Electricity Department; Asiatic Petroleum Co.
CollectionShanghai Municipal Archives
Sub collectionShanghai Municipal Council
Reference NumberSMA (SMC), U1-14-3262 (0484-0498)
Repository typeArchive

Report from Acting Engineer & Surveyor to Secretary. Shanghai, August 10, 1909. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3262 (0488). 

Accompanying application from Messrs. Andersen, Meyer & Co. for permit to erect electric sign projecting 6'8" at American Cinematograph Show in North Szechuen Road. They also ask that regulations be drawn up for public guidance in similar cases in future.

I would suggest that the following rules be laid down for such cases : 

  1. Projection not to be more that 3 feet. 
  2. Height not to be less than 12 feet above footpath. 
  3. To be removed at six months notice if required.
  4. Sketches to be submitted for approval when applying for permit.  

Reply from Secretary to Andersen, Meyer & Co. Shanghai, August 12, 1909. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3262 (0489). 

I am directed to acknowledge receipt of your letter of August 9, adressed to the Municipal Engineer, on the subject of Electric Street Signs. In reply thereto, I am directed to state that the Council is not averse to and readily permits these or similar signs provided they are above or flat against the sides of buildings. Permits are not issued for signs overhanging the public streets except under special circumstances. 

In the case to which you allude, a proposed 7 feet projection over the North Szechuen Road, the Council is unwilling to sanction erection. 


Report from Electrical Engineer to Public Works Department. Shanghai, November 12, 1910. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3262 (0492). 

One of our consumers is considering the erection of a large electric sign on the top of his premises at the corner of Hupeh and Foochow Roads. 

As this sign will mean quite a good lead for us, I shall be obliged if you will let me know if there is any difficulty in apposing the design of the proposed structure. 

Letter from Engineer & Surveyor  to Electrical Engineer. Shanghai, November 15, 1910. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3262 (0493).

In reply to your letter of the 12th inst. (received today), I beg to say that I am unable to go into the matter withtout some particulars as to the form of signboard intended and the manner in which it would be attached to the building. 


Letter from Engineer & Surveyor to Siemens China Electrical Engineering Co. Shanghai, August 30, 1912.

Is it reported that two electrical signs projecting over the roadway have bee erected without a permit and contrary to Municipal Regulations, in front of your premises in Szechuen Road and Jinkee Road. The regulation with regard to projecting signs requires that the sign shall not project more than three feet over the roadway. I have therefore to request you to remove the signs without delay. 

Letter from Siemens China Electrical Engineering Co.  to Engineer & Surveyor. Shanghai, August 31, 1912. 

We are in possession of your favour of 30th inst. No. 28/438 contents of which have our attention. We are very sorry that our signboards in the Jinkee and Szechuen Roads fronts of our premises are not in accordance with the respective regulations published by the Municipal Gazette of September 23, 1909. We beg to hand you a sketch of the two signboards which have been erected in the Jinkee Road in a height of 18' and in the Szechuen Road in a height of 27' over the roadway. 

We are of course willing to remove the two signs boards, should you insist upon as we have neglected to ask the Municipal Council's permission before erecting them. We would however be much obliged to you, in case you would not consider it too late, if you would kindly try to get the Council's permission now for us. It might (p.2/2) speak for leaving the two signboards as they are that they are provided with a 600 cp. Wotanlamp on the top of each one which helps considerably to lighten the streets before our premises. The total amount of candlepower of the Wotanlamps in the two signboards is 4400, the lamps are lighted during 5 hours a day (7 p.m. to midnight) which is a monthly consumption of 660 units of the S.M.C. Electricity Works. 

We hope that you will arrange this matter with the Council in a satisfactorily way. 
Letter from Secretary to Siemens China Electrical Engineering Co. Shanghai, September 7, 1912.

With reference to your letter of August 31, addressed to the Municipal Engineer, I am directed to inform you that the Council regrets being unable to comply with your request as to your electric signs in the Jinkee and Szechuen Roads. The rule limiting the projection of signs over footpath to 3 feet was made for the projection of the public and an exception in your case would, in the Council's opinion, consitute an unsatisfactory precedent. 

Under the circumstances therefore I have to request that the two 11 foot signs in question be removed without delay. 


Letter from Engineer & Surveyor to  General Electric Company of China, Ltd. Shanghai January 24, 1913. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3262 (0498).

In reply to your letter of to-day's date, asking for particulars of the By-law with regard to erection of electric signs in front of buildings facing Municipal Roadways. The standing rule with reference to projecting signs is that "they shall not project more than three feet over the roadway (and in no case over the kerb) and not be less than 11 feet from the ground". "All signboards are liable to removal at the Council's request upon six months's notice".


Letter from Engineer & Surveyor to  to Inniss and Riddle Apollo Theatre. Shanghai, January 31, 1913. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3262 (0499).

With reference to your application of to-day for permit to erect one Electric Flashlight sign outside the Apollo Theater, North Szechuen Road, projecting four feet beyond the building line, I have to inform you that the Municipal Regulations governing the erection of signs limits the projection over the roadway to three feet. Upon hearing from your further, I shall be pleased to issue a permit to that effect. 


Letter from Nipponophone Co. Limited to Shanghai Municipal Council. Shanghai, April 13, 1914. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3262 (0500).

We beg to request a permit for the following alterations and fittings to be made to No. 176 Foochow Road, a shop which we have rented for the purpose of selling photographs, records and phonograph accessories, of our manufacture. 

In place of the present wooden shtter two glass show windows to be built with a double door entrance three feet wide, these windows are to be built to the inside of the present wooden shutter. 

One sign electric lighter lamp 27" X 36" to be hung from sign board bracket at present fixed from verandah and to be suspended over the sidewalk not lower than the various sign boards at present displayed along the neighborhood ; this lamp to be held rigidly in place by iron bracket projecting from the top of the show windows. Your early permission, for the above will be greatly appreciated.


Report from Engineer & Surveyor to Secretary. "Projecting Sign Boards". Taxation for the Privilege. Shanghai, May 18, 1914. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3262 (0501).

Accompanying application for a permit to erect a large electric sign 14 feet long, 22 inches wide and 10 inches thick in front of house No.352 Nanking Road. The lamp has already been erected and projects about 4'3" over the roadway. I would suggest that the owners be called upon to remove it or pay Tls. 5.00 a year for the privilege. 

A general report on the question of projecting signs will follow shortly.


Letter to British American Company from Deputy Engineer & Surveyor. "Proposed Electric Sign Broadway. Shanghai, October 28, 1914. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3262 (0502).

With reference to your application of the 26th instant, for a permit to erect an "electric box sign" in front of Messrs. Sui Cheng Sung's premise, Broadway. I shall be obliged if you will let me have the projection and height of the proposed sign and also the number of the house in front of which it is to be erected.  

Letter to British American Company from Deputy Engineer & Surveyor- "Proposed Electric Sign, Broadway". Shanghai, November 5, 1914. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3262 (0503).

With reference to your letter of the 4th, instant, I have to inform you that the Municipal By-law governing the erection of permanent signs overhanging the roadway, fixes the projection at three feet. I am therefore unable to issue the permit applied for unless amended to comply with the Rule. 


Letter from Engineer & Surveyor to Acting Electrical Engineer - "Re: ILLUMINATED SIGN ELECTRICITY SHOW ROOM NANKING ROAD". Shanghai, June 18, 1915. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3262 (0504). 

It is reported that an illuminated sign has been erected in front of the above premises in contravention of the Municipal Regulation fixing the projection of sign over the roadway. For your information the limit of projections over roadways is 3 feet at a height not less that 11 feet above the level of the pavement.


Report by Engineer & Surveyor to Secretary. "Electric Sign - Nanking Road". Shanghai, October 21, 1915. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3262 (0505). 

An application has been received from Messrs. Hope Bros. For permission to erect and electric sign on Nanking Road near Honan Road. In enclose a sketch of the proposed sign. The sketch as submitted appears to represent a flexible sign which would be open to grave objection because of the effect of high winds upon it. As however it is called an electricity sign I think this must be intended to be rigid. I recommend that permission be refused on the ground that the sign would project 5 feet over the Municipal Road.


Letter from Deputy Engineer & Surveyor to Messrs. Tai Sun Chong. "Application for permit to fix lamps in front of Nos. 407 and 412 North Soochow Road". Shanghai, August 24, 1916. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3262 (0512). 

With reference to your application of the 23rd instant for a permit to fix two lamps in front of the above premises, projecting four feet over the Municipal roadway at a height of 10 feet above the pavement. I beg to inform you that the Council has fixed the maximum projection for lamps over public roads 3 feets, at a height of no less that 11 feet above the pavement. I am therefore unable to issue the permit applied for. 


Letter from Sullivan's Fine Candies to Public Works Department, Shanghai, July 20, 1917. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3262 (0513).

We are desirous of erecting an electric sign in front of our premises, the same to be sixteen feet high up from the pavement, and extending five or six feet out from the building, the sign to have three or four Chinese characters. 

Trusting the same is in order that I can go ahead and make the required application.  

Letter to Sullivan's from Engineer & Surveyor. "Proposed Illuminated Sign - No.11 Nanking Road". Shanghai, July 21, 1917. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3262 (0514).

With reference to your application for a permit to erect an illuminated sign projecting 5 or 6 feet over the Municipal roadway in front of the above premises, I beg to inform you that I am unable to issue the permit applied for as the projection of signs over the Municipal roadway is limited to 3 feet. 


Letter to Wing On Co from Commissioner of Public Works. Shanghai, October 14, 1919. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3262 (0516). 

With reference to your application to erect an illuminated sign across the Kinwoka, I regret that I am unable to issue a permit for the work desired. The conditions upon which permits for these erection are issued are: 
(1) That the bottom of the sign shall be at least 11 feet above the level of the footpath ; 
(2) That the sign shall not project more than three feet from the building line, and 
(3) That in no case shall the sign project beyond the pavement kerb.

I return your plan herewith. 


Letter from Twigg to Permit Office.  Shanghai, April 28, 1920. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3262 (0517). 

I am thinking ot having two Street Signs made in the form of lamp. But before giving the order I wish to know if you will grant a permit for same (not now, but when I want it). One to be on my wall in the Broadway and the other in the Tiendong Road. I give a rough sketch of same below and would like to know if the distances are within the limit of your regulations. I want to be sure of it, so am writing to the Electricity Department as well re suplly of current.  

Report from Public Works Department. Shanghai, April 28, 1920. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3262 (0517). 

Distance from bottom of lamp to pavement will not exceed 9 feet from wall to outter edge say 4 feet.  

Letter from Commissioner of Public Works to  P. O'Brien Twigg. "Proposed Lamps - 18 Broadway". Shanghai, April 29, 1920. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3262 (0518). 

In reply to your letter of the 28th instant, I beg to infom you that as the Council's Regulation governing the erection of lamps projecting over a Municipal Road limits the projection of the lamp to three feet in front of the Building line, at a height of not less than eleven feet above the footpath, I am unable to issue a permit to erect lamps as shown in the sketch attached to your letter. 


Commissioner of Public Works to Sullivan Manufacturing Co, Inc. "Proposed Projecting Sin - 36 Nanking Road". Shanghai, June 28, 1920. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3262 (0519).

With reference to your application of the 25th instant for a permit to erect an illuminated sign projecting 9 feet over the Municipal roadway, in front of the above premises, I beg to infom you that I am unable to issue the permit applied for, as the maximum projection for fixed signs over the roadway permissible under the Building Rules is three feet. I return herewith the sketches which accompanied your application. 


Acting Commissioner of Public Works to  Asiatic Petroleum Company (North China), Limited. Shanghai, December 16, 1921. Source SMA (SMC), U1-14-3170 (0594).

With reference to the permits which were issued to you on the 31st October to erect illuminated signs in front of certain garages in different parts of the Settlement. It is reported that these signs are not being erected in accordance with the clause of the permits, which states that the bottom of the sign must be at least eleven feet above the footpath. I shall, therefore, be obliged if you will kindly give this matter your immediate attention.   

Asiatic Petroleum Company (North China), Limited to Commissioner of Public Works. Shanghai, December 17, 1921. Source SMA (SMC), U1-14-3170 (0595). 

We have to acknowledge the receipt of your letter No. 44/885 of the 16th inst. sith reference to the permits which were issued by you for the erection of illuminated signs in front of certain garages in different parts of the Settlement, and drawing our attention to the fact that these signs are not being erected in accordance with the clause that states that the bottom of the sign must be at least 11 feet above the footpath. 

These signs are being erected by our Advertising contractors, the Oriental Press, and we shall draw their immediate attention to the matter. 

Keywordsby-law ; central ; cinema ; electric ; engineer ; garage ; gas ; footpath ; International Settlement ; lamp ; municipal ; northern ; permit ; projection ; resistance ; roadway ; roof ; sketch ; taxation ; tobacco ;
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