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NameAndersen, Meyer & Company. Illuminated Screen. Nanking & Chekiang Road
TitleIlluminated Screen. Andersen, Meyer & Company, Nanking & Chekiang Road
AuthorAndersen, Meyer & Company
CollectionShanghai Municipal Archives
Sub collectionShanghai Municipal Council
Reference NumberSMA (SMC), U1-14-3170 (0630-0637)
Repository typeArchive

Letter from Andersen, Meyer & Company to Secretary. Shanghai, February 5, 1918. Source SMA (SMC), U1-14-3170 (0630-0631). 

Relative to our conversation of recent date, I am now writing ou full particulars of the proposed screen advertising project, trusting that same will meet with the approval of the necessary authorities. A screen approximately 10' x 10' to be located on the top of the building situated at the South East corner of Nanking and Chekiang Roads. 

This building is a one-storey tea house and there are now three large billboards on the roof. Nothing but advertising matter will appear on the screen, and will be displayed from darkness until eleven p.m. Each advertising slide will have an exposure of not more than fifteen seconds. 

There will be no moving pictures nor pictures that would cause a congestion in the streets below. The idea is the same as the bill boards that now occupy the same location, excepting that instead of one permanent ad, there will be others appearing in the same space. 

A stereoptican is used for the projection of the slides, and an electric are lamp, same enclosed in the steel case, gives the necessary light. These is no danger from fire, as the connection will be direct. 

We would like to have permission to inaugurate this new departure for one month : for the first few nights, it may attract some extra attention, yet we feel that after that time it will only attract and answer the same purpose as the bill boards. 

If after a month it is found that is it detrimental to the welfare and safety of the public, then we would remove same, but if to the contrary, it only acts as an advertising medium of the same class as bill boards, etc. then we would like a permanent permit, subject to your usual regulations. 

If all of the largest cities in the United States and Europe, this style of advertising is used extensively and has proven to be safe and sane. 

Captain Superintendent of Police to Secretary - "Mr. Malley's letter of February 4". Shanghai, February 5, 1918. Source SMA (SMC), U1-14-3170 (0632). 

There is no objection to a one month's trial of the advertising screen suggested. At the end of that time I will report further.  

Engineer & Surveyor to Secretary - "PROPOSED ILLUMINATED SCREEN FOR ADVERTISING - Nanking and Chekiang Roads" - Letter from Messrs. Andersen Meyer & Co.Ltd." 4/2/18". Shanghai, February 6, 1918. Source SMA (SMC), U1-14-3170 (0633).  
Before making a report on the above I would like to know the approximate weight and the proposed method of fixing and supporting the screen. 

Acting Secretary to Andersen, Meyer & Company to Secretary. Shanghai, February 7, 1918. Source SMA (SMC), U1-14-3170 (0635). 

I am directed to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of February 4 requesting permission for the erection of a screen on the building at the south-east corner of Nanking and Chekiang Roads upon which advertising matter would be projected at nigth-time and in reply to enquire what the approximate weight of the screen would be and what is the proposed method of fixing and supporting it. Upon receipt of your reply your request will receive the Council's further consideration, therafter its decision will be communicated to you. 

Engineer & Surveyor to Secretary - "PROPOSED ILLUMINATED SCREEN FOR ADVERTISING - Letter from Mr. T.H.O' Malley dated 8-2-18". Shanghai, February 15, 1918. Source SMA (SMC), U1-14-3170 (0636). 

As the sign will only weigh 50 lbs. I have no objection to the issue of a permit. I would suggest that Mr. O'Malley be request to inform the Council of the number of the houses on which it is proposed to erect the sign.  

Acting Secretary to Andersen, Meyer & Company to Secretary. Shanghai, February 23, 1918. Source SMA (SMC), U1-14-3170 (0637). 

I am directed to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of February 8 further in reference to your request for permission to erect a screen on the building at the south-east corner of Nanking and Chekiang Roads, and to inform you that a permit will be issued for its erection and for its use for the projection of advertising matter thereon for a period of one month, whereafter it will be subject to withdrawal or renewal as may then be decided by the Council.

The Special advertisement fee payable will be at the rate of Tl. 0.50 per square foot per annum. Formal application for a permit stating the number of the building - it seems that you refer to No. I 613 at the south-east corner - on which the screen is to be erected must be made to the Municipal Engineer and the electric wiring and projection arrangements must meet with the requirements of the chief Officer of the Fire Brigade to whom you should accordingly also refer in the matter. 

Keywordsbillboard ; central ; electric ; engineer ; fire ; picture ; police ; projection ; regulation ; roof ; safety ; taxation ; traffic ; trial ;
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